المشاركات الجديدة
قسم البرمجة والتصميم العام والبرمجة الفلكية : قسم خاص بالبرمجة و تطبيق القواعد و تقديم شروحات حول البرامج

هديه للعبادي والاخوه المبرمجين

افتراضي هديه للعبادي والاخوه المبرمجين
رفعت قديما برنامج لحساب الحروف هذه شفرتها المفتوحه حسب لغة فجوال بيسك .[align=left:68f83b49b9]Dim m_sLineString As String * 1056
Dim m_IngRet As Long
Dim num As Integer
Dim m_sRetString As String
Dim ohrf As Long
Dim Genie As IAgentCtlCharacter

Private Sub alf_Click()
MsgBox ("حرف الالف نوراني . كوكبة الشمس . برجه الاسد.طبعه النار.يومة الاحد.الوفق المناسب المسدس .من خواصه ( السيطرة على المخلوقات , الهيبة , أمور الملوك والحكام , عقد اللسان , الحفظ "), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "خواص الحروف"
End Sub

Private Sub ast_Click()
Load Form2

End Sub

Private Sub baa_Click()
MsgBox ("حرف الباء .ظلماني.صامت.بارد.طبعه التراب.كوكبة القمر.برجه السرطان.يومه الاثنين . من خواصه ( الحفظ من الامراض او انزالها .امور الاطفال .الزواج.القبول"), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "خواص الحروف"
End Sub

Private Sub ccal_Click()
Load Calculator
End Sub
Private Sub Combo1_Change()
Combo1.AddItem ("النارية")
End Sub

Private Sub combo8_Click()
Static akl As Long
ak1 = 0
f = combo8.Text
Debug.Print f
For ak = 0 To combo8.ListCount
If f = (combo8.List(ak)) Then ak1 = ak1 + 1

Next ak
MsgBox (ak1), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "عدد الكلمات"

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Static hrf As Long
Static klm As Long
Static zer As Integer
Static hrf1 As String
Static eng As String
aoak.Visible = True
Text1.Text = Text1.Text + Space(1)
If Text1.Text = "" Then GoTo yy:
hrf = 0
klm = 1
ns = Len(Text1.Text)
Pro.Visible = True
Pro.Min = 1
Pro.Max = ns
Pro.Value = 1
For r = 1 To ns
o = Trim(Mid(Text1.Text, r, 1))
Pro.Value = r
Select Case o
Case Is = "م"
o1 = 40
Case "ا"
o1 = 1
Case "آ"
o1 = 2
Case "أ"
o1 = 1
Case "ب"
o1 = 2
Case "ج"
o1 = 3
Case Is = "د"
o1 = 4
Case "ه"
o1 = 5
Case "و"
o1 = 6
Case "ز"
o1 = 7
Case "ح"
o1 = 8
Case "ط"
o1 = 9
Case "ي"
o1 = 10
Case Is = "ك"
o1 = 20
Case "ن"
o1 = 50
Case Is = "س"
o1 = 60
Case "ع"
o1 = 70
Case "ف"
o1 = 80
Case "ص"
o1 = 90
Case "ق"
o1 = 100
Case "ر"
o1 = 200
Case "ش"
o1 = 300
Case "ت"
o1 = 400
Case "ث"
o1 = 500
Case "خ"
o1 = 600
Case "ذ"
o1 = 700
Case "ض"
o1 = 800
Case "ظ"
o1 = 900
Case "غ"
o1 = 1000
Case "ل"
o1 = 30
Case Is = ""
o1 = 0
Case "ى"
o1 = 1
Case "ة"
o1 = 5
Case "ء"
o1 = 1
Case "إ"
o1 = 1
Case "ؤ"
o1 = 7
Case Is = "ىء"
o1 = 1
End Select
o2 = o1
hrf = CLng(hrf + o2)
klm1 = hrf1 + o
hrf1 = klm1
If o1 = 0 Then
If klm1 <> "" And Len(klm1) > 1 Then combo8.AddItem (klm1)
hrf1 = ""
End If
If o1 = 0 Then klm = CLng(klm + 1)
If o = "ا" Or o = "ىء" Or o = "إ" Or o = "ه" Or o = "أ" Or o = "ط" Or o = "م" Or o = "ف" Or o = "ش" Or o = "ذ" Or o = "ة" Or o = "ى" Or o = "ء" Then Combo1.AddItem (o)
If o = "ج" Or o = "ز" Or o = "ك" Or o = "س" Or o = "ق" Or o = "ث" Or o = "ظ" Then Combo2.AddItem (o)
If o = "د" Or o = "ح" Or o = "ل" Or o = "ع" Or o = "ر" Or o = "خ" Or o = "غ" Then Combo3.AddItem (o)
If o = "ب" Or o = "ؤ" Or o = "و" Or o = "ي" Or o = "ن" Or o = "ص" Or o = "ت" Or o = "ض" Then Combo4.AddItem (o)
If o = "ا" Or o = "ل" Or o = "م" Or o = "ص" Or o = "ر" Or o = "ك" Or o = "ه" Or o = "ي" Or o = "ع" Or o = "ط" Or o = "س" Or o = "ح" Or o = "ق" Or o = "ن" Then Combo5.AddItem (o)
If o = "ب" Or o = "ج" Or o = "د" Or o = "و" Or o = "ز" Or o = "ف" Or o = "ش" Or o = "ت" Or o = "ع" Or o = "ث" Or o = "خ" Or o = "ذ" Or o = "ض" Or o = "ظ" Or o = "غ" Then Combo6.AddItem (o)
If o = "ا" Or o = "ىء" Or o = "إ" Or o = "أ" Then Combo9.Item(0).AddItem (o)
If o = "ب" Then Combo9.Item(1).AddItem (o)
If o = "ج" Then Combo9.Item(2).AddItem (o)
If o = "د" Then Combo9.Item(3).AddItem (o)
If o = "ه" Or o = "ة" Then Combo9.Item(4).AddItem (o)
If o = "و" Then Combo9.Item(5).AddItem (o)
If o = "ز" Then Combo9.Item(6).AddItem (o)
If o = "ح" Then Combo9.Item(7).AddItem (o)
If o = "ط" Then Combo9.Item(8).AddItem (o)
If o = "ي" Then Combo9.Item(9).AddItem (o)
If o = "ك" Then Combo9.Item(10).AddItem (o)
If o = "ل" Then Combo9.Item(11).AddItem (o)
If o = "م" Then Combo9.Item(12).AddItem (o)
If o = "ن" Then Combo9.Item(13).AddItem (o)
If o = "س" Then Combo9.Item(14).AddItem (o)
If o = "ع" Then Combo9.Item(15).AddItem (o)
If o = "ف" Then Combo9.Item(16).AddItem (o)
If o = "ص" Then Combo9.Item(17).AddItem (o)
If o = "ق" Then Combo9.Item(18).AddItem (o)
If o = "ر" Then Combo9.Item(19).AddItem (o)
If o = "ش" Then Combo9.Item(20).AddItem (o)
If o = "ت" Then Combo9.Item(21).AddItem (o)
If o = "ث" Then Combo9.Item(22).AddItem (o)
If o = "خ" Then Combo9.Item(23).AddItem (o)
If o = "ذ" Then Combo9.Item(24).AddItem (o)
If o = "ض" Then Combo9.Item(25).AddItem (o)
If o = "ظ" Then Combo9.Item(26).AddItem (o)
If o = "غ" Then Combo9.Item(27).AddItem (o)
If o = "ا" Then he = "a"
If o = "ب" Then he = "b"
If o = "ج" Then he = "g"
If o = "د" Then he = "d"
If o = "ه" Then he = "h"
If o = "و" Then he = "o"
If o = "ز" Then he = "z"
If o = "ح" Then he = "ha"
If o = "ط" Then he = "ta"
If o = "ي" Then he = "e"
If o = "ك" Then he = "k"
If o = "ل" Then he = "l"
If o = "م" Then he = "m"
If o = "ن" Then he = "n"
If o = "س" Then he = "s"
If o = "ع" Then he = "a"
If o = "ف" Then he = "f"
If o = "ص" Then he = "sa"
If o = "ق" Then he = "k"
If o = "ر" Then he = "r"
If o = "ش" Then he = "sh"
If o = "ت" Then he = "t"
If o = "ث" Then he = "th"
If o = "خ" Then he = "ga"
If o = "ذ" Then he = "th"
If o = "ض" Then he = "dh"
If o = "ظ" Then he = "dh"
If o = "غ" Then he = "ga"
enkl = eng + he
eng = enkl
Next r
Text7.Text = enkl
Pro.Visible = False
Label17.Caption = hrf
ohrf = hrf
Command1.ToolTipText = hrf

If Combo9.Item(0).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" أ ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف أ =") & (Combo9.Item(0).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(1).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ب ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ب =") & (Combo9.Item(1).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(2).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ج ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ج =") & (Combo9.Item(2).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(3).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" د ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف د =") & (Combo9.Item(3).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(4).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ه ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ه =") & (Combo9.Item(4).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(5).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" و ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف و =") & (Combo9.Item(5).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(6).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ز ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ز =") & (Combo9.Item(6).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(7).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ح ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ح =") & (Combo9.Item(7).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(8).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ط ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ط =") & (Combo9.Item(8).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(9).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ي ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ي =") & (Combo9.Item(9).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(10).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ك ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ك =") & (Combo9.Item(10).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(11).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ل ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ل =") & (Combo9.Item(11).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(12).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" م ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف م =") & (Combo9.Item(12).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(13).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ن ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ن =") & (Combo9.Item(13).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(14).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" س ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف س =") & (Combo9.Item(14).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(15).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ع ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ع =") & (Combo9.Item(15).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(16).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ف ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ف =") & (Combo9.Item(16).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(17).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ص ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ص =") & (Combo9.Item(17).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(18).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ق ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ق =") & (Combo9.Item(18).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(19).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ر ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ر =") & (Combo9.Item(19).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(20).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ش ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ش =") & (Combo9.Item(20).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(21).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ت ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ت =") & (Combo9.Item(21).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(22).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ث ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ث =") & (Combo9.Item(22).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(23).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" خ ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف خ =") & (Combo9.Item(23).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(24).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ذ ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ذ =") & (Combo9.Item(24).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(25).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ض ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ض =") & (Combo9.Item(25).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(26).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ظ ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ظ =") & (Combo9.Item(26).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(27).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" غ ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف غ =") & (Combo9.Item(27).ListCount)

Label25.Caption = "الحروف الغير موجودة=" & List2.ListCount
Label2.Caption = Trim(Combo1.ListCount)
Label3.Caption = Combo2.ListCount
Label9.Caption = Combo3.ListCount
Label10.Caption = Combo4.ListCount
Label14.Caption = Combo5.ListCount
Label15.Caption = Combo6.ListCount
Label8.Caption = Val(Combo1.ListCount + Combo2.ListCount + Combo3.ListCount + Combo4.ListCount)
Label20.Caption = combo8.ListCount
Frame1.Visible = True
Line1.Visible = True
Label10.Visible = True
Label11.Visible = True
Label14.Visible = True
Label15.Visible = True
Label8.Visible = True
Label9.Visible = True
Label16.Visible = True
Label17.Visible = True
Label19.Visible = True
Label20.Visible = True

Combo1.Visible = True
Combo2.Visible = True
Combo3.Visible = True
Combo4.Visible = True
Combo5.Visible = True
Combo6.Visible = True
combo8.Visible = True
Frame2.Visible = True
If List2.ListCount > 0 Then
Label25.Visible = True
List2.Visible = True
Label25.Visible = False
List2.Visible = False
End If
If Text1.Text <> "" Then Command2.Enabled = True
If hrf = 0 Then MsgBox ("يجب ان تدخل نص عربي "), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "تنبية": Text1.Text = ""
Command1.Enabled = False

End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
aoak.Visible = False
Text1.Text = ""
For c9 = 0 To 27
Next c9
Label2.Caption = ""
Label3.Caption = ""
Label20.Caption = ""
Label9.Caption = ""
Label10.Caption = ""
Label14.Caption = ""
Label15.Caption = ""
For u = 0 To 24
of(u).Caption = ""
Next u

Frame3.Visible = False
Command2.Enabled = False
Command1.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Genie.Speak Text7.Text
End Sub

Private Sub df_Click()

MsgBox ("اكتب النص المطلوب حسابه كيفما تريد الخ ... كما يمكنك أدخال نص عن طريق ( تحرير/ فتح) او يمكنك حفظ ما تكتبة عن طريق (تحرير / حفظ ), ويجب ان تلتزم باللفظ الصوتي فمثلاً حرف (آ) يجب ان تكتبه (اا) لانه يتكون من حرفين وهكذا في كل النص "), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "مساعدة"

End Sub

Private Sub find_Click()
Static hrf As Long
Static klm As Long
Static hrf1 As String
Static h As Long
If Text1.Text = "" Then MsgBox ("يجب ان يكون هناك نص للبحث فيه"), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading + 16, "تنبيه": GoTo yy:
fin = InputBox("ادخل الكلمة التي تريد البحث عنها", "بحث")
h = 0
hrf = 0
klm = 1
ns = Len(Text1.Text)
Pro.Visible = True
Pro.Min = 1
Pro.Max = ns
Pro.Value = 1
For r = 1 To ns
o = Trim(Mid(Text1.Text, r, 1))
Pro.Value = r
Select Case o
Case Is = "م"
o1 = 40
Case "ا"
o1 = 1
Case "أ"
o1 = 1
Case "ب"
o1 = 2
Case "ج"
o1 = 3
Case Is = "د"
o1 = 4
Case "ه"
o1 = 5
Case "و"
o1 = 6
Case "ز"
o1 = 7
Case "ح"
o1 = 8
Case "ط"
o1 = 9
Case "ي"
o1 = 10
Case Is = "ك"
o1 = 20
Case "ن"
o1 = 50
Case Is = "س"
o1 = 60
Case "ع"
o1 = 70
Case "ف"
o1 = 80
Case "ص"
o1 = 90
Case "ق"
o1 = 100
Case "ر"
o1 = 200
Case "ش"
o1 = 300
Case "ت"
o1 = 400
Case "ث"
o1 = 500
Case "خ"
o1 = 600
Case "ذ"
o1 = 700
Case "ض"
o1 = 800
Case "ظ"
o1 = 900
Case "غ"
o1 = 1000
Case "ل"
o1 = 30
Case Is = ""
o1 = 0
Case "ى"
o1 = 1
Case "ة"
o1 = 5
Case "ء"
o1 = 1
Case "إ"
o1 = 1
Case "ؤ"
o1 = 7
Case Is = "ىء"
o1 = 1
End Select
o2 = o1
hrf = CLng(hrf + o2)
klm1 = hrf1 + o
hrf1 = klm1
If Len(fin) = 1 Then
If o = fin Then h = CLng(h + 1)
End If
If o1 = 0 Then
If klm1 <> "" And Len(klm1) > 1 And klm1 = fin Then Combo7.AddItem (klm1)
hrf1 = ""
End If
If o1 = 0 Then klm = CLng(klm + 1)
Next r
Pro.Visible = False
mh = "عدد حرف" & "(" & fin & ")" & "في هذا النص" & "=" & "(" & h & ")"

If Len(fin) = 1 Then MsgBox (mh), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "عدد حرف"
If Len(fin) > 1 Then MsgBox (Combo7.ListCount), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "عدد الكلمات"
End Sub

Private Sub fopen_Click()
Dim iHandle As Integer
Dim ifi As String
Dim iLine As String
iHandle = FreeFile
da1.Filter = "النصوص(*.txt)|*.txt|(*.doc)|*.doc"
If da1.FileName = "" Then GoTo tt Else Open da1.FileName For Input As #iHandle
Do While Not EOF(iHandle)
Line Input #iHandle, sLine
ifi = ifi + sLine + vbCr + vbLf
Close #iHandle
Text1.Text = ifi
Command2.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Form1.Width = 6345
If Text1.Text = "" Then Command2.Enabled = False
FileName = App.Path
If Right(FileName, 1) <> "" Then
FileName = FileName + ""
End If
FileName = FileName + "genie.acs"
Agent1.Characters.Load "Genie", FileName
Set Genie = Agent1.Characters("Genie")
Text = "text" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
Text = Text + "salum-alekom "
Genie.Speak Text
End Sub

Private Sub nonum_Click()
Static ty As String
ns = Trim(Len(Text1.Text))
Pro.Visible = True
Pro.Min = 1
Pro.Max = ns
Pro.Value = 1
For q = Len(Text1.Text) To 1 Step -1
j = Mid(Text1.Text, q, 1)
Pro.Value = q
If IsNumeric(j) = True Then GoTo dd:
If IsEmpty(j) = True Then GoTo dd:
J1 = j & g
txt = j & g
g = J1
Next q
Pro.Visible = False
Text1.Text = txt
End Sub

Private Sub of3_Click()
Dim msg As String
Form1.Width = 10000
Form1.Height = 7500

For Y = 0 To 24
of(Y).Caption = ""
Next Y
Label4.Caption = "الوفق المثلث"
R1 = ((ohrf - 12) / 3)
jb = ((R1 - Int(R1)) * 3)
R1 = Int(R1)
of(17).Caption = R1
of(6).Caption = of(17).Caption + 1
of(13).Caption = of(6).Caption + 1
of(8).Caption = of(13).Caption + 1
of(12).Caption = of(8).Caption + 1
of(16).Caption = of(12).Caption + 1
of(11).Caption = of(16).Caption + 1 + jb
of(18).Caption = of(11).Caption + 1
of(7).Caption = of(18).Caption + 1
of(17).Visible = True
of(6).Visible = True
of(13).Visible = True
of(8).Visible = True
of(12).Visible = True
of(16).Visible = True
of(11).Visible = True
of(18).Visible = True
of(7).Visible = True
Label4.Visible = True
Frame3.Visible = True
Text3.Text = "12"
Text4.Text = "التفريق.الشر.النوم وعقد النوم.الخراب"
Label21.Caption = "ترابي"
Text5.Text = "السبت وليلة الاربعاء "
Label23.Caption = "الجدي / الدلوا "
Text6.Text = " ساعة زحل "

End Sub

Private Sub of4_Click()
Form1.Width = 10000
Form1.Height = 8500

Label4.Caption = "الوفق المربع"
R1 = ((ohrf - 30) / 4)
jb = ((R1 - Int(R1)) * 4)
R1 = Int(R1)
For Y = 0 To 24
of(Y).Caption = ""
Next Y
of(0).Caption = R1
of(7).Caption = of(0).Caption + 1
of(13).Caption = of(7).Caption + 1
of(16).Caption = of(13).Caption + 1
of(17).Caption = of(16).Caption + 1
of(10).Caption = of(17).Caption + 1
of(6).Caption = of(10).Caption + 1
of(3).Caption = of(6).Caption + 1
of(11).Caption = of(3).Caption + 1
of(18).Caption = of(11).Caption + 1
of(2).Caption = of(18).Caption + 1
of(5).Caption = of(2).Caption + 1
of(8).Caption = of(5).Caption + 1 + jb
of(1).Caption = of(8).Caption + 1
of(15).Caption = of(1).Caption + 1
of(12).Caption = of(15).Caption + 1
For e = 0 To 24
of(e).Visible = True
Next e
Frame3.Visible = True
Text3.Text = "30"
Text4.Text = ("جميع اعمال الخير.الحفظ من كل شيء.عقد اللسان.ابطال السحر.الرزق.البركة")
Label21.Caption = "مائي"
Text5.Text = "الخميس وليلة الاثنين"
Text6.Text = "ساعة المشتري"
Label23.Caption = "القوس / الحوت "
End Sub

Private Sub of5_Click()
Form1.Width = 10000
Label4.Caption = "الوفق المخمس"
R1 = ((ohrf - 60) / 5)
jb = ((R1 - Int(R1)) * 5)
R1 = Int(R1)
For Y = 0 To 24
of(Y).Caption = ""
Next Y
of(12).Caption = R1
of(23).Caption = of(12).Caption + 1
of(9).Caption = of(23).Caption + 1
of(15).Caption = of(9).Caption + 1
of(1).Caption = of(15).Caption + 1
of(21).Caption = of(1).Caption + 1
of(7).Caption = of(21).Caption + 1
of(18).Caption = of(7).Caption + 1
of(4).Caption = of(18).Caption + 1
of(10).Caption = of(4).Caption + 1
of(5).Caption = of(10).Caption + 1
of(16).Caption = of(5).Caption + 1
of(2).Caption = of(16).Caption + 1
of(13).Caption = of(2).Caption + 1
of(24).Caption = of(13).Caption + 1
of(19).Caption = of(24).Caption + 1
of(0).Caption = of(19).Caption + 1
of(11).Caption = of(0).Caption + 1
of(22).Caption = of(11).Caption + 1
of(8).Caption = of(22).Caption + 1
of(3).Caption = of(8).Caption + 1 + jb '
of(14).Caption = of(3).Caption + 1
of(20).Caption = of(14).Caption + 1
of(6).Caption = of(20).Caption + 1
of(17).Caption = of(6).Caption + 1
For e = 0 To 24
of(e).Visible = True
Next e
Frame3.Visible = True
Text3.Text = "60"
Text4.Text = ("كل عمل ضار.حلول الاسقام بأبدان الظالمين.القاء الحروب بين الاعداء.القوة.الهيبة")
Label21.Caption = "ناري"
Text5.Text = "الثلاثاء / ليلة السبت"
Text6.Text = "ساعة المريخ"
Label23.Caption = "الحمل / العقرب "
End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_Click()
Form1.Width = 6345
End Sub

Private Sub SS1_Click()
MsgBox ("مناضل القره غولي "), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "المبرمج"
End Sub
Private Sub SS2_Click()
Unload Calculator
End Sub

Private Sub ssave_Click()
da1.Filter = "الملفات النصية(*.txt)|*.txt"
If da1.FileName = "" Then GoTo ss Else Open da1.FileName For Output As #1
Print #1, Trim(Text1.Text)
Close #1
End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Change()
If Len(Text1.Text) > 0 Then Command1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim rr As Boolean
w = Int((700 * Rnd) + 1)
e = Int((600 * Rnd) + 1)

If rr = True Then ee = Genie.MoveTo(w, e, 20) Else ee = Genie.MoveTo(e, w, 20)

End Sub

Private Sub txt_Click()
Static tg As String
For gt = combo8.ListCount To 0 Step -1
g = combo8.List(gt) & " " & tg
tg = g
Next gt
Text1.Text = Text1.Text + Space(1)
Text1.Text = g

End Sub

Private Sub word_Click()
Static ty As String


ty = ""
wo = InputBox("ادخل الكلمة التي تريد ازالتها", "ازالة كلمة")
For h = combo8.ListCount To 0 Step -1
ff = combo8.List(h)
If ff = wo Then GoTo rr:
txt2 = ff & " " & ty
ty = txt2
Next h
Text1.Text = txt2

End Sub[/align:68f83b49b9]
غير مبريء الذمه نقل الموضوع أو مضمونه بدون ذكر المصدر: منتديات الشامل لعلوم الفلك والتنجيم - من قسم: قسم البرمجة والتصميم العام والبرمجة الفلكية

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو rapboy

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، أما بعد...

Dim m_sLineString As String * 1056
Dim m_IngRet As Long
Dim num As Integer
Dim m_sRetString As String
Dim ohrf As Long
Dim Genie As IAgentCtlCharacter

Private Sub alf_Click()
MsgBox ("حرف الالف نوراني . كوكبة الشمس . برجه الاسد.طبعه النار.يومة الاحد.الوفق المناسب المسدس .من خواصه ( السيطرة على المخلوقات , الهيبة , أمور الملوك والحكام , عقد اللسان , الحفظ "), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "خواص الحروف"
End Sub

Private Sub ast_Click()
Load Form2

End Sub

Private Sub baa_Click()
MsgBox ("حرف الباء .ظلماني.صامت.بارد.طبعه التراب.كوكبة القمر.برجه السرطان.يومه الاثنين . من خواصه ( الحفظ من الامراض او انزالها .امور الاطفال .الزواج.القبول"), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "خواص الحروف"
End Sub

Private Sub ccal_Click()
Load Calculator
End Sub
Private Sub Combo1_Change()
Combo1.AddItem ("النارية")
End Sub

Private Sub combo8_Click()
Static akl As Long
ak1 = 0
f = combo8.Text
Debug.Print f
For ak = 0 To combo8.ListCount
If f = (combo8.List(ak)) Then ak1 = ak1 + 1

Next ak
MsgBox (ak1), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "عدد الكلمات"

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Static hrf As Long
Static klm As Long
Static zer As Integer
Static hrf1 As String
Static eng As String
aoak.Visible = True
Text1.Text = Text1.Text + Space(1)
If Text1.Text = "" Then GoTo yy:
hrf = 0
klm = 1
ns = Len(Text1.Text)
Pro.Visible = True
Pro.Min = 1
Pro.Max = ns
Pro.Value = 1
For r = 1 To ns
o = Trim(Mid(Text1.Text, r, 1))
Pro.Value = r
Select Case o
Case Is = "م"
o1 = 40
Case "ا"
o1 = 1
Case "آ"
o1 = 2
Case "أ"
o1 = 1
Case "ب"
o1 = 2
Case "ج"
o1 = 3
Case Is = "د"
o1 = 4
Case "ه"
o1 = 5
Case "و"
o1 = 6
Case "ز"
o1 = 7
Case "ح"
o1 = 8
Case "ط"
o1 = 9
Case "ي"
o1 = 10
Case Is = "ك"
o1 = 20
Case "ن"
o1 = 50
Case Is = "س"
o1 = 60
Case "ع"
o1 = 70
Case "ف"
o1 = 80
Case "ص"
o1 = 90
Case "ق"
o1 = 100
Case "ر"
o1 = 200
Case "ش"
o1 = 300
Case "ت"
o1 = 400
Case "ث"
o1 = 500
Case "خ"
o1 = 600
Case "ذ"
o1 = 700
Case "ض"
o1 = 800
Case "ظ"
o1 = 900
Case "غ"
o1 = 1000
Case "ل"
o1 = 30
Case Is = ""
o1 = 0
Case "ى"
o1 = 1
Case "ة"
o1 = 5
Case "ء"
o1 = 1
Case "إ"
o1 = 1
Case "ؤ"
o1 = 7
Case Is = "ىء"
o1 = 1
End Select
o2 = o1
hrf = CLng(hrf + o2)
klm1 = hrf1 + o
hrf1 = klm1
If o1 = 0 Then
If klm1 <> "" And Len(klm1) > 1 Then combo8.AddItem (klm1)
hrf1 = ""
End If
If o1 = 0 Then klm = CLng(klm + 1)
If o = "ا" Or o = "ىء" Or o = "إ" Or o = "ه" Or o = "أ" Or o = "ط" Or o = "م" Or o = "ف" Or o = "ش" Or o = "ذ" Or o = "ة" Or o = "ى" Or o = "ء" Then Combo1.AddItem (o)
If o = "ج" Or o = "ز" Or o = "ك" Or o = "س" Or o = "ق" Or o = "ث" Or o = "ظ" Then Combo2.AddItem (o)
If o = "د" Or o = "ح" Or o = "ل" Or o = "ع" Or o = "ر" Or o = "خ" Or o = "غ" Then Combo3.AddItem (o)
If o = "ب" Or o = "ؤ" Or o = "و" Or o = "ي" Or o = "ن" Or o = "ص" Or o = "ت" Or o = "ض" Then Combo4.AddItem (o)
If o = "ا" Or o = "ل" Or o = "م" Or o = "ص" Or o = "ر" Or o = "ك" Or o = "ه" Or o = "ي" Or o = "ع" Or o = "ط" Or o = "س" Or o = "ح" Or o = "ق" Or o = "ن" Then Combo5.AddItem (o)
If o = "ب" Or o = "ج" Or o = "د" Or o = "و" Or o = "ز" Or o = "ف" Or o = "ش" Or o = "ت" Or o = "ع" Or o = "ث" Or o = "خ" Or o = "ذ" Or o = "ض" Or o = "ظ" Or o = "غ" Then Combo6.AddItem (o)
If o = "ا" Or o = "ىء" Or o = "إ" Or o = "أ" Then Combo9.Item(0).AddItem (o)
If o = "ب" Then Combo9.Item(1).AddItem (o)
If o = "ج" Then Combo9.Item(2).AddItem (o)
If o = "د" Then Combo9.Item(3).AddItem (o)
If o = "ه" Or o = "ة" Then Combo9.Item(4).AddItem (o)
If o = "و" Then Combo9.Item(5).AddItem (o)
If o = "ز" Then Combo9.Item(6).AddItem (o)
If o = "ح" Then Combo9.Item(7).AddItem (o)
If o = "ط" Then Combo9.Item(Cool.AddItem (o)
If o = "ي" Then Combo9.Item(9).AddItem (o)
If o = "ك" Then Combo9.Item(10).AddItem (o)
If o = "ل" Then Combo9.Item(11).AddItem (o)
If o = "م" Then Combo9.Item(12).AddItem (o)
If o = "ن" Then Combo9.Item(13).AddItem (o)
If o = "س" Then Combo9.Item(14).AddItem (o)
If o = "ع" Then Combo9.Item(15).AddItem (o)
If o = "ف" Then Combo9.Item(16).AddItem (o)
If o = "ص" Then Combo9.Item(17).AddItem (o)
If o = "ق" Then Combo9.Item(1Cool.AddItem (o)
If o = "ر" Then Combo9.Item(19).AddItem (o)
If o = "ش" Then Combo9.Item(20).AddItem (o)
If o = "ت" Then Combo9.Item(21).AddItem (o)
If o = "ث" Then Combo9.Item(22).AddItem (o)
If o = "خ" Then Combo9.Item(23).AddItem (o)
If o = "ذ" Then Combo9.Item(24).AddItem (o)
If o = "ض" Then Combo9.Item(25).AddItem (o)
If o = "ظ" Then Combo9.Item(26).AddItem (o)
If o = "غ" Then Combo9.Item(27).AddItem (o)
If o = "ا" Then he = "a"
If o = "ب" Then he = "b"
If o = "ج" Then he = "g"
If o = "د" Then he = "d"
If o = "ه" Then he = "h"
If o = "و" Then he = "o"
If o = "ز" Then he = "z"
If o = "ح" Then he = "ha"
If o = "ط" Then he = "ta"
If o = "ي" Then he = "e"
If o = "ك" Then he = "k"
If o = "ل" Then he = "l"
If o = "م" Then he = "m"
If o = "ن" Then he = "n"
If o = "س" Then he = "s"
If o = "ع" Then he = "a"
If o = "ف" Then he = "f"
If o = "ص" Then he = "sa"
If o = "ق" Then he = "k"
If o = "ر" Then he = "r"
If o = "ش" Then he = "sh"
If o = "ت" Then he = "t"
If o = "ث" Then he = "th"
If o = "خ" Then he = "ga"
If o = "ذ" Then he = "th"
If o = "ض" Then he = "dh"
If o = "ظ" Then he = "dh"
If o = "غ" Then he = "ga"
enkl = eng + he
eng = enkl
Next r
Text7.Text = enkl
Pro.Visible = False
Label17.Caption = hrf
ohrf = hrf
Command1.ToolTipText = hrf

If Combo9.Item(0).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" أ ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف أ =") & (Combo9.Item(0).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(1).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ب ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ب =") & (Combo9.Item(1).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(2).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ج ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ج =") & (Combo9.Item(2).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(3).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" د ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف د =") & (Combo9.Item(3).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(4).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ه ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ه =") & (Combo9.Item(4).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(5).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" و ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف و =") & (Combo9.Item(5).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(6).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ز ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ز =") & (Combo9.Item(6).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(7).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ح ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ح =") & (Combo9.Item(7).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(Cool.ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ط ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ط =") & (Combo9.Item(Cool.ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(9).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ي ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ي =") & (Combo9.Item(9).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(10).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ك ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ك =") & (Combo9.Item(10).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(11).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ل ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ل =") & (Combo9.Item(11).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(12).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" م ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف م =") & (Combo9.Item(12).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(13).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ن ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ن =") & (Combo9.Item(13).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(14).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" س ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف س =") & (Combo9.Item(14).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(15).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ع ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ع =") & (Combo9.Item(15).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(16).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ف ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ف =") & (Combo9.Item(16).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(17).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ص ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ص =") & (Combo9.Item(17).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(1Cool.ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ق ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ق =") & (Combo9.Item(1Cool.ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(19).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ر ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ر =") & (Combo9.Item(19).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(20).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ش ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ش =") & (Combo9.Item(20).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(21).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ت ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ت =") & (Combo9.Item(21).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(22).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ث ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ث =") & (Combo9.Item(22).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(23).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" خ ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف خ =") & (Combo9.Item(23).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(24).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ذ ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ذ =") & (Combo9.Item(24).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(25).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ض ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ض =") & (Combo9.Item(25).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(26).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" ظ ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف ظ =") & (Combo9.Item(26).ListCount)
If Combo9.Item(27).ListCount = 0 Then List2.AddItem (" غ ") Else List1.AddItem ("عدد حرف غ =") & (Combo9.Item(27).ListCount)

Label25.Caption = "الحروف الغير موجودة=" & List2.ListCount
Label2.Caption = Trim(Combo1.ListCount)
Label3.Caption = Combo2.ListCount
Label9.Caption = Combo3.ListCount
Label10.Caption = Combo4.ListCount
Label14.Caption = Combo5.ListCount
Label15.Caption = Combo6.ListCount
Label8.Caption = Val(Combo1.ListCount + Combo2.ListCount + Combo3.ListCount + Combo4.ListCount)
Label20.Caption = combo8.ListCount
Frame1.Visible = True
Line1.Visible = True
Label10.Visible = True
Label11.Visible = True
Label14.Visible = True
Label15.Visible = True
Label8.Visible = True
Label9.Visible = True
Label16.Visible = True
Label17.Visible = True
Label19.Visible = True
Label20.Visible = True

Combo1.Visible = True
Combo2.Visible = True
Combo3.Visible = True
Combo4.Visible = True
Combo5.Visible = True
Combo6.Visible = True
combo8.Visible = True
Frame2.Visible = True
If List2.ListCount > 0 Then
Label25.Visible = True
List2.Visible = True
Label25.Visible = False
List2.Visible = False
End If
If Text1.Text <> "" Then Command2.Enabled = True
If hrf = 0 Then MsgBox ("يجب ان تدخل نص عربي "), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "تنبية": Text1.Text = ""
Command1.Enabled = False

End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
aoak.Visible = False
Text1.Text = ""
For c9 = 0 To 27
Next c9
Label2.Caption = ""
Label3.Caption = ""
Label20.Caption = ""
Label9.Caption = ""
Label10.Caption = ""
Label14.Caption = ""
Label15.Caption = ""
For u = 0 To 24
of(u).Caption = ""
Next u

Frame3.Visible = False
Command2.Enabled = False
Command1.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Genie.Speak Text7.Text
End Sub

Private Sub df_Click()

MsgBox ("اكتب النص المطلوب حسابه كيفما تريد الخ ... كما يمكنك أدخال نص عن طريق ( تحرير/ فتح) او يمكنك حفظ ما تكتبة عن طريق (تحرير / حفظ ), ويجب ان تلتزم باللفظ الصوتي فمثلاً حرف (آ) يجب ان تكتبه (اا) لانه يتكون من حرفين وهكذا في كل النص "), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "مساعدة"

End Sub

Private Sub find_Click()
Static hrf As Long
Static klm As Long
Static hrf1 As String
Static h As Long
If Text1.Text = "" Then MsgBox ("يجب ان يكون هناك نص للبحث فيه"), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading + 16, "تنبيه": GoTo yy:
fin = InputBox("ادخل الكلمة التي تريد البحث عنها", "بحث")
h = 0
hrf = 0
klm = 1
ns = Len(Text1.Text)
Pro.Visible = True
Pro.Min = 1
Pro.Max = ns
Pro.Value = 1
For r = 1 To ns
o = Trim(Mid(Text1.Text, r, 1))
Pro.Value = r
Select Case o
Case Is = "م"
o1 = 40
Case "ا"
o1 = 1
Case "أ"
o1 = 1
Case "ب"
o1 = 2
Case "ج"
o1 = 3
Case Is = "د"
o1 = 4
Case "ه"
o1 = 5
Case "و"
o1 = 6
Case "ز"
o1 = 7
Case "ح"
o1 = 8
Case "ط"
o1 = 9
Case "ي"
o1 = 10
Case Is = "ك"
o1 = 20
Case "ن"
o1 = 50
Case Is = "س"
o1 = 60
Case "ع"
o1 = 70
Case "ف"
o1 = 80
Case "ص"
o1 = 90
Case "ق"
o1 = 100
Case "ر"
o1 = 200
Case "ش"
o1 = 300
Case "ت"
o1 = 400
Case "ث"
o1 = 500
Case "خ"
o1 = 600
Case "ذ"
o1 = 700
Case "ض"
o1 = 800
Case "ظ"
o1 = 900
Case "غ"
o1 = 1000
Case "ل"
o1 = 30
Case Is = ""
o1 = 0
Case "ى"
o1 = 1
Case "ة"
o1 = 5
Case "ء"
o1 = 1
Case "إ"
o1 = 1
Case "ؤ"
o1 = 7
Case Is = "ىء"
o1 = 1
End Select
o2 = o1
hrf = CLng(hrf + o2)
klm1 = hrf1 + o
hrf1 = klm1
If Len(fin) = 1 Then
If o = fin Then h = CLng(h + 1)
End If
If o1 = 0 Then
If klm1 <> "" And Len(klm1) > 1 And klm1 = fin Then Combo7.AddItem (klm1)
hrf1 = ""
End If
If o1 = 0 Then klm = CLng(klm + 1)
Next r
Pro.Visible = False
mh = "عدد حرف" & "(" & fin & ")" & "في هذا النص" & "=" & "(" & h & ")"

If Len(fin) = 1 Then MsgBox (mh), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "عدد حرف"
If Len(fin) > 1 Then MsgBox (Combo7.ListCount), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "عدد الكلمات"
End Sub

Private Sub fopen_Click()
Dim iHandle As Integer
Dim ifi As String
Dim iLine As String
iHandle = FreeFile
da1.Filter = "النصوص(*.txt)|*.txt|(*.doc)|*.doc"
If da1.FileName = "" Then GoTo tt Else Open da1.FileName For Input As #iHandle
Do While Not EOF(iHandle)
Line Input #iHandle, sLine
ifi = ifi + sLine + vbCr + vbLf
Close #iHandle
Text1.Text = ifi
Command2.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Form1.Width = 6345
If Text1.Text = "" Then Command2.Enabled = False
FileName = App.Path
If Right(FileName, 1) <> "" Then
FileName = FileName + ""
End If
FileName = FileName + "genie.acs"
Agent1.Characters.Load "Genie", FileName
Set Genie = Agent1.Characters("Genie")
Text = "text" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
Text = Text + "salum-alekom "
Genie.Speak Text
End Sub

Private Sub nonum_Click()
Static ty As String
ns = Trim(Len(Text1.Text))
Pro.Visible = True
Pro.Min = 1
Pro.Max = ns
Pro.Value = 1
For q = Len(Text1.Text) To 1 Step -1
j = Mid(Text1.Text, q, 1)
Pro.Value = q
If IsNumeric(j) = True Then GoTo dd:
If IsEmpty(j) = True Then GoTo dd:
J1 = j & g
txt = j & g
g = J1
Next q
Pro.Visible = False
Text1.Text = txt
End Sub

Private Sub of3_Click()
Dim msg As String
Form1.Width = 10000
Form1.Height = 7500

For Y = 0 To 24
of(Y).Caption = ""
Next Y
Label4.Caption = "الوفق المثلث"
R1 = ((ohrf - 12) / 3)
jb = ((R1 - Int(R1)) * 3)
R1 = Int(R1)
of(17).Caption = R1
of(6).Caption = of(17).Caption + 1
of(13).Caption = of(6).Caption + 1
of(Cool.Caption = of(13).Caption + 1
of(12).Caption = of(Cool.Caption + 1
of(16).Caption = of(12).Caption + 1
of(11).Caption = of(16).Caption + 1 + jb
of(1Cool.Caption = of(11).Caption + 1
of(7).Caption = of(1Cool.Caption + 1
of(17).Visible = True
of(6).Visible = True
of(13).Visible = True
of(Cool.Visible = True
of(12).Visible = True
of(16).Visible = True
of(11).Visible = True
of(1Cool.Visible = True
of(7).Visible = True
Label4.Visible = True
Frame3.Visible = True
Text3.Text = "12"
Text4.Text = "التفريق.الشر.النوم وعقد النوم.الخراب"
Label21.Caption = "ترابي"
Text5.Text = "السبت وليلة الاربعاء "
Label23.Caption = "الجدي / الدلوا "
Text6.Text = " ساعة زحل "

End Sub

Private Sub of4_Click()
Form1.Width = 10000
Form1.Height = 8500

Label4.Caption = "الوفق المربع"
R1 = ((ohrf - 30) / 4)
jb = ((R1 - Int(R1)) * 4)
R1 = Int(R1)
For Y = 0 To 24
of(Y).Caption = ""
Next Y
of(0).Caption = R1
of(7).Caption = of(0).Caption + 1
of(13).Caption = of(7).Caption + 1
of(16).Caption = of(13).Caption + 1
of(17).Caption = of(16).Caption + 1
of(10).Caption = of(17).Caption + 1
of(6).Caption = of(10).Caption + 1
of(3).Caption = of(6).Caption + 1
of(11).Caption = of(3).Caption + 1
of(1Cool.Caption = of(11).Caption + 1
of(2).Caption = of(1Cool.Caption + 1
of(5).Caption = of(2).Caption + 1
of(Cool.Caption = of(5).Caption + 1 + jb
of(1).Caption = of(Cool.Caption + 1
of(15).Caption = of(1).Caption + 1
of(12).Caption = of(15).Caption + 1
For e = 0 To 24
of(e).Visible = True
Next e
Frame3.Visible = True
Text3.Text = "30"
Text4.Text = ("جميع اعمال الخير.الحفظ من كل شيء.عقد اللسان.ابطال السحر.الرزق.البركة")
Label21.Caption = "مائي"
Text5.Text = "الخميس وليلة الاثنين"
Text6.Text = "ساعة المشتري"
Label23.Caption = "القوس / الحوت "
End Sub

Private Sub of5_Click()
Form1.Width = 10000
Label4.Caption = "الوفق المخمس"
R1 = ((ohrf - 60) / 5)
jb = ((R1 - Int(R1)) * 5)
R1 = Int(R1)
For Y = 0 To 24
of(Y).Caption = ""
Next Y
of(12).Caption = R1
of(23).Caption = of(12).Caption + 1
of(9).Caption = of(23).Caption + 1
of(15).Caption = of(9).Caption + 1
of(1).Caption = of(15).Caption + 1
of(21).Caption = of(1).Caption + 1
of(7).Caption = of(21).Caption + 1
of(1Cool.Caption = of(7).Caption + 1
of(4).Caption = of(1Cool.Caption + 1
of(10).Caption = of(4).Caption + 1
of(5).Caption = of(10).Caption + 1
of(16).Caption = of(5).Caption + 1
of(2).Caption = of(16).Caption + 1
of(13).Caption = of(2).Caption + 1
of(24).Caption = of(13).Caption + 1
of(19).Caption = of(24).Caption + 1
of(0).Caption = of(19).Caption + 1
of(11).Caption = of(0).Caption + 1
of(22).Caption = of(11).Caption + 1
of(Cool.Caption = of(22).Caption + 1
of(3).Caption = of(Cool.Caption + 1 + jb '
of(14).Caption = of(3).Caption + 1
of(20).Caption = of(14).Caption + 1
of(6).Caption = of(20).Caption + 1
of(17).Caption = of(6).Caption + 1
For e = 0 To 24
of(e).Visible = True
Next e
Frame3.Visible = True
Text3.Text = "60"
Text4.Text = ("كل عمل ضار.حلول الاسقام بأبدان الظالمين.القاء الحروب بين الاعداء.القوة.الهيبة")
Label21.Caption = "ناري"
Text5.Text = "الثلاثاء / ليلة السبت"
Text6.Text = "ساعة المريخ"
Label23.Caption = "الحمل / العقرب "
End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_Click()
Form1.Width = 6345
End Sub

Private Sub SS1_Click()
MsgBox ("مناضل القره غولي "), vbMsgBoxRight + vbMsgBoxRtlReading, "المبرمج"
End Sub
Private Sub SS2_Click()
Unload Calculator
End Sub

Private Sub ssave_Click()
da1.Filter = "الملفات النصية(*.txt)|*.txt"
If da1.FileName = "" Then GoTo ss Else Open da1.FileName For Output As #1
Print #1, Trim(Text1.Text)
Close #1
End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Change()
If Len(Text1.Text) > 0 Then Command1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim rr As Boolean
w = Int((700 * Rnd) + 1)
e = Int((600 * Rnd) + 1)

If rr = True Then ee = Genie.MoveTo(w, e, 20) Else ee = Genie.MoveTo(e, w, 20)

End Sub

Private Sub txt_Click()
Static tg As String
For gt = combo8.ListCount To 0 Step -1
g = combo8.List(gt) & " " & tg
tg = g
Next gt
Text1.Text = Text1.Text + Space(1)
Text1.Text = g

End Sub

Private Sub word_Click()
Static ty As String


ty = ""
wo = InputBox("ادخل الكلمة التي تريد ازالتها", "ازالة كلمة")
For h = combo8.ListCount To 0 Step -1
ff = combo8.List(h)
If ff = wo Then GoTo rr:
txt2 = ff & " " & ty
ty = txt2
Next h
Text1.Text = txt2

End Sub
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الساعة الآن 10:44 AM.