المشاركات الجديدة
مقالات في الروحانيات للمعتقدات الاخرى : شرح المواضيع و تبادل الآراء والخبرات بين المشاركين والمتابعين

غرفة خاصة بالعلوم الغريبه التي تخص اليهود

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو علي العذاري
علي العذاري
انتقل لرحمة الله
العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط..
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

سلام الله عليك أخي المحترم علي العزري
لم يتسنى لي قرائه الموضوع الا فقط رؤس أقلام
وبأذن الله أتابعه معك
سلمت يداك يارب وعافاك الله أنت وجميع العائله الكريمه من كل مكروه
ودمت بخير
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آل سيدنا محمد صلاة تنجينا بها من جميع الأهوال والآفات وتقضي لنا بها جميع الحاجات، وتطهرنا بها من جميع السيئات، وترفعنا بها عندك أعلى الدرجات وتبلغنا بها أقصى الغايات من جميع الخيرات في الحياة وبعد الممات برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين
اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله عدد حروف القرآن حرفا حرفا وعدد كل حرف ألفا ألفا وعدد صفوف الملائكة صفا صفا وعدد كل صفا ألفا ألفا وعدد الرمال ذرة ذرة وعدد كل ذرة ألف ألف مرة عدد ما أحاط به علمك وجرى به قلمك ونفذ به حكمك فى برك وبحرك وسائر خلقك عدد ما أحاط به علمك القديم من الواجب والجائز والمستحيل ...
اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وسلم تسليما كثيرا

وعليكم السلام اختنا الغالية انوار المشارق
جعل الله ايامكم نورا وبهاء ورزق عاجل ودوام الاحوال باحسن حال

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو علي العذاري
علي العذاري
انتقل لرحمة الله

وعلاوة على ذلك ، وانت انت سوف تحد هذه الاوساط عن مربعين ، والزوايا التي يجب أن تتحول نحو أربعة أرباع الأرض ، ويجب والمسافة بين السطور من الساحة الداخلية والخارجية أن نصف القدم. تصدر الزوايا المتطرفة للمربع الخارجي مراكز أربع دوائر ، وقياس أو القطر الذي يكون قدم واحدة. كل هذه هي التي يمكن استخلاصها مع السكين أو كرس 14 أداة للفن. وداخل هذه الدوائر يجب four انت تكتب هذه الأسماء الأربعة الله الأكثر المقدسة ، في هذا النظام : -- في 15 شرقا ، AL ، ش ؛ في الغرب ، IH ، ياه ؛ في الجنوب ، AGLA ، Agla ؛ وعلى ADNI الشمالية ، أدوناي. 14. الإعلان. 10862 : arclavo ؛ K288 ، L1202 : الصك. - JHP 15. وMSS. وتختلف إلى حد whereat كل اسم هو أن تكون وضعت ، ولكن اعتقد انه سيتم العثور على ما ورد أعلاه للرد. - SLM

الإعلان. 10862 يعطي هذه الأسماء في الرومانية والحروف العبرية معطوب ، لكنها تتوافق مع الشرق = EL ، غرب = IAH ، جنوب = AGLA ، شمال = أدوناي.

ملوك 288 ما يلي : "A L' توجيه ش ، à L' Agla الغرب والاتحاد الافريقي IAH ميدي ، والاتحاد الأفريقي Septentrion أدوناي" (في الشرق EL ، في Agla الغربية ، في IAH الجنوبية في أدوناي الشمالية) ، ولكن وضع يتوافق مع الإعلان ، 10862 (انظر الشكل 2 من الملوك 288 أعلاه).

L1202 النص والرسم نتفق مع "الشرق à L' Agla ، ميدي أو برنس ، أدوناي ، à L' الغرب ، ش ، الاتحاد الافريقي Septentrion آه" (في Agla الشرقية ، في جنوب أدوناي ، في جريدة الغرب ، في الشمال آه) . الدوائر في SL. 1307 والإعلان. 36674 مختلفة تماما.

لم يتم العثور على الفقرات التالية (إلى "دعونا سيد تنشأ الآن ومكان على رأسه تاج") في الجامعة. 24 أو الاعلانية. 10862. وبالمثل ميشيغين 276 مفقود في نفس المواد ، باستثناء لائحة المزامير والصلاة "أتوسل اليك ، يا رب". - JHP

16. ماذرز : "...... المزمور الثاني ؛ مزمور ليف ، مزمور cxiii ؛ مزمور LXVII ؛ المزمور السابع والأربعون ، مزمور LXVIII" قوائم ميشيغين 276 2 ، 47 ، و 68 فقط. - JHP

17. هذا يظهر فقط في SL. 3091. - JHP

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو عطارد المنجم
عطارد المنجم
01 (108)
نشكرك ايه الرجل الطيب والانسان الرائع على تناولك العلوم الروحانية العبرية من ناحية الرجل الباحث والمحقق الماهر شارلك هولمز (ابتسامة)لكن رجاء من بان توافينا ان كان لديك ماهو المذكور عندك في الكتب الثلاثة لمفاتيح سليمان الملك العبري لانها طبعت بطبعات مختلفة اي انها تختلف من كتاب لاخر حسب مارئينا والمخطوطات كذالك والعامل بها اي المطبق لتلك العلوم يعلم ماهية العمل بالطريقة الاقوى ويخشى على نشر ماعمل به لانه سيكون من الاسرار العزيزة الا المحقق الذي ينشر ما اطلع عليه من علوم القوم وانتم اهلا للكرم والجود يا ابو حاتم الطائي (ابتسامة) نتمنى لك كل خير انت واهلك وكل ذويك وان يحفظك الرب ابد الابدين ودهر الداهرين وان يدفع عنك كل مكروه ويجلب لك كل خير بما تنفع به اخوتك من صدقة العلوم امين رب العالمين

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو علي العذاري
علي العذاري
انتقل لرحمة الله
14. الإعلان. 10862 : arclavo ؛ K288 ، L1202 : الصك. - JHP
15. وMSS. وتختلف إلى حد whereat كل اسم هو أن تكون وضعت ، ولكن اعتقد انه سيتم العثور على ما ورد أعلاه للرد. - SLM

الإعلان. 10862 يعطي هذه الأسماء في الرومانية والحروف العبرية معطوب ، لكنها تتوافق مع الشرق = EL ، غرب = IAH ، جنوب = AGLA ، شمال = أدوناي.

ملوك 288 ما يلي : "A L' توجيه ش ، à L' Agla الغرب والاتحاد الافريقي IAH ميدي ، والاتحاد الأفريقي Septentrion أدوناي" (في الشرق EL ، في Agla الغربية ، في IAH الجنوبية في أدوناي الشمالية) ، ولكن وضع يتوافق مع الإعلان ، 10862 (انظر الشكل 2 من الملوك 288 أعلاه).

L1202 النص والرسم نتفق مع "الشرق à L' Agla ، ميدي أو برنس ، أدوناي ، à L' الغرب ، ش ، الاتحاد الافريقي Septentrion آه" (في Agla الشرقية ، في جنوب أدوناي ، في جريدة الغرب ، في الشمال آه) . الدوائر في SL. 1307 والإعلان. 36674 مختلفة تماما.

لم يتم العثور على الفقرات التالية (إلى "دعونا سيد تنشأ الآن ومكان على رأسه تاج") في الجامعة. 24 أو الاعلانية. 10862. وبالمثل ميشيغين 276 مفقود في نفس المواد ، باستثناء لائحة المزامير والصلاة "أتوسل اليك ، يا رب". - JHP

16. ماذرز : "...... المزمور الثاني ؛ مزمور ليف ، مزمور cxiii ؛ مزمور LXVII ؛ المزمور السابع والأربعون ، مزمور LXVIII" قوائم ميشيغين 276 2 ، 47 ، و 68 فقط. - JHP

17. هذا يظهر فقط في SL. 3091. - JHP

18. SL. 3091 يضيف ، "وآخرون اسمية جنيه حركيا ايمانويل دو ديو جي تي benis ó تير ؛ جي تي consacre ô تير" (واسمه عمانوئيل الله أبارك لك ، يا أرض ، وأنا أكرس لك ، يا أرض) ، JHP

19. ماذرز يقرأ "ورقة (أو أي مادة مناسبة أخرى)" الملوك التالية 288 ، ولكن الإعلان. 10862 يقرأ "السابقين Virginea كارتا" (من عذراء ورقة) ، L1202 يقرأ "دي vierge الورقية". الإعلان. 10862 يعطي أسماء ك "Agala [الفاسدة العبرية] ، Agala [الفاسدة العبرية] ، Agalata [الفاسدة العبرية] Agalata [الفاسدة العبرية] L1202 يقرأ :" قصر سيس كواتر مستعارة sont Agla devant الاتحاد الافريقي ، الاتحاد الافريقي Aglata derrire ، Aglon ، Aglatay ، دوكس كوتس دو لا تيتي ". - JHP
20. الإعلان. 10862 : Pentacula ، siue Candores [= kandariri!] ؛ M276 : "pentacoli س canderie" ؛ H3981 : "Pentacules ، Canderies Medailles أوو" ؛ K288 وSl3091 : "Pentacules Medailles أوو". - JHP
21. الإعلان. 10862 : gladium exorcizatum. - JHP

22. L1202 و SL. قراءة 3091 "، يقول شعوذة التالية بصوت منخفض ، التي تواجه الشرق". Aub24. قراءة بسيطة "، يقول شعوذة التالية". - JHP

23. قارن مزمور 60.4 : "quia factus فاق رجاء MEA turris fortitudinis a inimici ظاهر" (= KJV61.3 : لأنت يمتلك كانت ملجأ بالنسبة لي ، وبرج قوي من العدو). - JHP

24. حتى لا تتداخل مع اتجاه التيارات ووالعشرين للسيد. - SLM
الفصل الرابع
اعتراف الذي سيدلي به التعويذي
يا رب السماء والأرض ، قبل اليك يمكنني الاعتراف خطاياي ، ورثاء لهم ، ويلقي أسفل وبالتواضع في وجود خاصتك. لأنني أخطأت أمامك بواسطة الكبرياء ، البخل ، ورغبة لا حدود لها من الألقاب والثروات ، وبحلول الكسل ، الشراهة والجشع والفجور ، والسكر ، لأنني قد اساء اليك من جميع أنواع الخطايا من اللحم ، والزنى ، والتلوث ، وهو ما ارتكبوا نفسي ، وافقت أن الآخرين ينبغي أن يلتزم ، وبحلول تدنيس المقدسات والسرقات ونهب وانتهاك ، والقتل ، من خلال استخدام الشر التي اجريتها من ممتلكاتي ، عن طريق التبذير بلدي ، من الخطايا التي ارتكبت ضد لدي الأمل و الخيرية ، وذلك نصيحتي الشر ، والتملق والرشوة ، وسوء التوزيع الذي أدليت به من السلع التي كانت تتملكني ، وإساءة معاملة من قبل صد الفقراء ، في التوزيع التي اجريتها السلع ملتزمة مسؤوليتي ، التي يعاني منها أكثر من أولئك الذين تم تعيين الأول في السلطة ، من خلال عدم زيارة السجناء ، عن طريق حرمان الموتى من الدفن ، والتي لا تحصل على الفقراء ، والتي لا إطعام جائع ولا شرب يعطي للعطشى ، وذلك ابدا السبت والحفاظ على الأعياد الأخرى ، التي لا تعيش على نحو ديني وchastely تلك الأيام ، بموافقة السهلة التي ذكرتها لأولئك الذين حرضوا لي أن السيئات ، وذلك بدلا من اصابة مساعدة أولئك الذين طالبوا بمساعدة من لي ، من خلال رفض اعطاء الاذن للرب صرخة الفقراء ، من خلال عدم احترام المسنين ، وذلك لا أفي بوعدي ، عن طريق العصيان إلى والدي ، وذلك الجحود تجاه هؤلاء الذين تلقيتها اللطف ، من خلال الانغماس في الملذات الحسية ، وذلك السلوك غير موقر في معبد الله ، إيماءات غير لائقة الجلسات ، عن طريق الدخول فيه دون تقديس ، من خلال الخطاب عبثا وغير المربحة عندما يكون هناك ، من خلال احتقار السفن المقدسة من المعبد ، عن طريق تحويل الاحتفالات المقدسة إلى السخرية ، من خلال اللمس وتناول الخبز المقدس مع نجس الشفتين واليدين مدنسة ، وإهمال صلاتي وadorations.
أنا أكره أيضا الجرائم التي يرتكبها لدي أفكار شريرة ، تأملات وعبثا النجس ، الشكوك كاذبة ، والأحكام طفح ؛ بموافقة الشر التي أشرت يعطى بسهولة حتى على نصيحة من الاشرار ، من خلال شهوة النجاسة والملذات الحسية ، وبحلول كلماتي الخمول ، وتقع بلادي ، بلادي والخداع ، وبحلول كاذبة عهدي بطرق مختلفة ؛ والتشهير بي المستمر وافتراء.
أنا أكره أيضا على الجرائم التي ترتكب داخل لدي ، والغدر والفتنة التي حرضت لدي ؛ فضولي ، والجشع ، يتحدث كاذبة ، والعنف ، لعنة ، لغط ، السب والكلمات بلا جدوى ، والإهانات ، النفاق ؛ خطاياي ضد الله من العدوان من الوصايا العشر ، بسبب الإهمال واجباتي والالتزامات ، ونريد من الحب تجاه الله وتجاه جارتي.
وعلاوة على ذلك أكره الخطايا التي ارتكبت في لدي كل حواسي ، من خلال البصر ، عن طريق الاستماع ، عن طريق الذوق ، بواسطة الشم ، واللمس ، في كل ما يمكن أن تسيء إلى ضعف الإنسان المبدع ، من خلال أفكاري جسدي ، والأفعال ، وتأملات .
الذي أعترف بتواضع أنني أخطأت وتعترف بأنها نفسي في عيني الرب أكثر من جميع الرجال الجنائية.
أنا أتهم نفسي قبل اليك ، يا الله ، وأنا أعشق اليك بكل تواضع. يا أيها ، والملائكة المقدسة ، وأنتم ، أبناء الله ، وأنا في وجودكم نشر خطاياي ، بحيث العدو الألغام قد لا يملك ميزة على لي ، وربما لا تكون قادرة على لوم لي في اليوم الأخير ، وأنه قد لا يكون بوسعي أن أقول بأنني أخفى خطاياي ، وأنه لا يمكنني أن المتهم بعد ذلك في وجود الرب ، بل على العكس من ذلك ، أن على حسابي قد يكون هناك فرح في السماء ، فضلا عن أكثر من مجرد الذين اعترفوا خطاياهم في وجود خاصتك.
O معظم الأقوياء وجميع الاب قوية ، ومنحة من الرحمة ذين لا حدود بأنني قد نرى ونعرف كل الأرواح التي كنت استدعاء ، بحيث بوسائلهم أنا قد ترى إرادتي ورغبة انجازه ، من خلال عظمة ذات سيادة ، والتي لا توصف لك والمجد الأبدي ، الذي انت الفن والذبول الذي يكون للأب أي وقت مضى ، وفائق الوصف الخالص للجميع.
بعد أن تم الانتهاء من الاعتراف بتواضع كبير ، ومع الشعور الداخلي للقلب ، وماجستير وسوف يتلو الصلاة التالية : --
يا رب كل تسليط قوية ، والله الأبدية والأب لجميع المخلوقات ، وعلى عاتقي النفوذ الإلهي رحمة خاصتك ، لأنني مخلوق خاصتك. أتوسل اليك للدفاع عني من أعدائي ، وتؤكد لي في الايمان الحقيقي والثابت.
يا رب ، أنا ارتكاب جسدي ونفسي اليك ، ورؤية أضع ثقتي في أي بجانب اليك ، بل هو وحده اليك على أن أعتمد ؛ يا رب إلهي لي المعونة ؛ يا رب تسمع لي في يوم وساعة حيث أنا يجب استدعاء اليك. أدعو لك من قبل خاصتك رحمة عدم وضعني في غياهب النسيان ، ولا لإزالة لي من اليك. يا رب انت تكون عونا لي ، انت الذي الفن إله خلاصي. يا رب تجعل لي قلبا جديدا وفقا بمعزل اللطف خاصتك المحبة. هؤلاء ، يا رب ، هي الهدايا التي أنتظر من اليك ، يا إلهي وسيدي ، انت منظمة الصحة العالمية. livest reignest وحتى العصور العصور آمين.
يا رب الله كل واحد قوي ، والذي يمتلك شكلت بمعزل نفسك حكمة عظيمة وفائق الوصف ، وشارك في الأبدية مع نفسك قبل كل الدهور ، لا تعد ولا تحصى ، أنت الذي في ولادة يمتلك الوقت خلق السماوات والأرض والبحر ، وأشياء التي تحتويها ، انت الذي يمتلك كل الأشياء vivified النفس من فمك ، وأنا الحمد اليك ، وأبارك لك ، وأنا أعشق اليك ، وأسبح اليك. انت تكون مؤاتية فقال لي ولكن الذي أنا آثم بائسة ، ويحتقر لي لا ؛ انقاذي والعون لي ، وحتى لي عمل يديك. أنا الأذهان وتوسل اليك بالاسم خاصتك المقدسة لنمحي من روحي ظلمات الجهل ، وتنوير لي مع الحريق الحكمة خاصتك ، واتخاذ بعيدا عني جميع الرغبات الشريرة ، واسمحوا لي لا يكون التعبير كما ان من الحماقة. وانت يا الله الواحد الحي ، الذي المجد ، الشرف ، والمملكة تمتد حتى العصور العصور. آمين.
الفصل الخامس
الصلوات والتعاويذ
أيها الرب الإله ، أيها الأب الأقدس ، سبحانه وتعالى رحيم واحد ، والذي يمتلك خلق كل شيء ، والذي تعلم كل شيء ، ويمكن أن تفعل كل شيء ، ومنهم من لا شيء مخفيا ، الذي لا يوجد شيء مستحيل ، أنت تعلم أن الذي نقوم به ليس لهذه الاحتفالات يغري السلطة خاصتك ، بل أننا قد تسلل الى معرفة الأشياء الخفية ، نصلي لك الرحمة التي خاصتك المقدسة والتسبب في تصريح لأننا قد توصل إلى هذا الفهم للأمور سرية ، أيا كانت طبيعتها والتي يمكن أن تكون ، من خلال المساعدات ذين , O Most Holy ADONAI, whose Kingdom and Power shall have no end unto the Ages of the Ages. آمين.
The Prayer being finished, let the Exorcist lay his hand upon the pentacles, while one of the Disciples shall hold open before him the Book wherein are written the prayers and conjurations proper for conquering, subduing, and reproving the spirits. ثم الماجستير ، وتحول نحو ربع كل الأرض ، ورفع عينيه الى السماء ويقول :
O Lord, be thou unto me a strong tower of refuge, from the sight and assaults of the Evil spirits. 1
1. Compare with Psalm 60.4 (KJV Ps61.3): "For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy." - JHP
After which let him turn again towards the four quarters of the Earth, and towards each let him utter the following words:
Behold the symbols and names of the creator, which give unto ye forever terror and fear. Obey then, by the virtue of these holy names, and by these Mysteries of Mysteries.
After this he shall see the spirits come from every side. But in case they are occupied in some other place, or that they cannot come, or that they are unwilling to come: then let him commence afresh to invoke them after the following manner, and let the exorcist be assured that even were they bound with chains of iron, and with fire, they could not refrain from coming to accomplish his will.

2. There is an Invocation bearing the title of العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط.. given by Eliphas Lévi, which differs in many points from the one given above, though resembling it in some particulars. Lévi's is more evidently constructed on the plan indicated in the 'Siphra Dtzenioutha,' c. III.; Annotation § 5, sub. § 8, 9; while the one above more follows that laid down, ibid . § 5, sub. § 3. I see no reason to suppose that Lévi's is unauthentic. It will be noted by the Qabalistical reader, that the above conjuration rehearses the divine names attached to the ten Sephiroth. - SLM
O ye spirits, ye I conjure by the power, wisdom, and virtue of the spirit of God, by the uncreate divine knowledge, by the vast mercy of God, by the strength of God, by the greatness of God, by the unity of God; and by the holy name of God EHEIEH, which is the root, trunk, source, and origin of all the other divine names, whence they all draw their life and their virtue, which Adam having invoked, he acquired the knowledge of all created things.

I conjure ye by the indivisible name IOD, which marketh and expresseth the simplicity and the unity of the nature divine, which Abel having invoked, he deserved 3 to escape from the hands of Cain his brother.
3. In the French, 'merita d`échapper.' - SLM.

M276: "quod etiam Abel nominauit et meruit euadere manus fratris sui Caim." الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت. 24, reads "... quod etiam nominauit Seth, et meruit evadere manus fratris sui Caim" (which SETH having named, he was found worthy to evade the hand of his brother Cain.) Ad. 10862 reads "... quod etiam Leter (?) nominauit, et meruit euadere manus Patris sui Caim" (which Leter (?) having named, he was found worthy to evade the hand of his father Caim.) -JHP
I conjure ye by the name TETRAGRAMMATON ELOHIM, 4 which expresseth and signifieth the grandeur of so lofty a majesty, that Noah having pronounced it, saved himself, and protected himself with his whole household from the waters of the deluge.
4. Aub24 reads "Jeoua Elohim"; M276: "Jeouà Eloym"; Sl3091: "Jehova Eloym"; K288 and L1202: "Jehovah Elohym"; Ad. 10862: "Je, Houa, Eloia." - JHP
I conjure ye by the name of God EL strong and wonderful, which denoteth the mercy and goodness of his majesty divine, which Abraham having invoked, he was found worthy to come forth from the Ur of the Chaldeans.

I conjure ye by the most powerful name of ELOHIM GIBOR, which showeth forth the strength of God, of a God all powerful, who punisheth the crimes of the wicked, who seeketh out and chastiseth the iniquities of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation; which Isaac having invoked, he was found worthy to escape from the sword 5 of Abraham his father.
5. اللات. gladius.
I conjure ye and I exorcise ye by the most holy name of ELOAH VA-DAATH, 6 which Jacob invoked when in great trouble, and was found worthy to bear the name of Israel, which signifieth vanquisher of God; and he was delivered from the fury of Esau his brother.
6. Aub24 reads "Eloha Vangaadat"; M276: "Eloha uangadet"; K288, Sl3091, and L1202 read "Eloha Vangadat"; Ad. 10862: "Eloa Vagadat". - JHP
I conjure ye by the most potent name of EL 7 ADONAI TZABAOTH, which is the God of armies, ruling in the Heavens, which Joseph invoked and was found worthy to escape from the hands of his brethren.
7. More usually the name TETRAGRAMMATON TZABAOTH is attributed to the seventh Sephiroth. - SLM

Aub24 reads: "Adonay Zeuaoth"; K288 and Sl3091: "El Adonay Zevaod"; L1202: "El, Adonay, Zenard"; Ad. 10862: "Adonay Zeuahot". This paragraph is not found in M276. - JHP
I conjure ye by the most potent name of ELOHIM TZABAOTH, 8 which expresseth piety, mercy, splendour, and knowledge of God, which Moses invoked, and he was found worthy to deliver the People Israel from Egypt, and from the servitude of Pharaoh.
8. Aub24: "Elohym Zeuad"; Sl3091: "Eloym Zevaoth"; K288: "Elohym Zevaod"; L1202: "Elhoim Zenard"; Ad. 10862: "Eloim Zeuord." - JHP
I conjure ye by the most potent name of SHADDAI, 9 which signifieth doing good unto all; which Moses invoked, and having struck the Sea, it divided into two parts in the midst, on the right hand and on the left. I conjure ye by the most holy name of EL 10 CHAI, which is that of the Living God, through the virtue of which alliance with us, and redemption for us have been made; which Moses invoked and all the waters returned to their prior state and enveloped the Egyptians, so that not one of them escaped to carry the news into the Land of Mizraim.
9. K288, Sl3091, L1202, Aub24 read "Saday"; Ad. 10862: "Siday." - JHP

10. Both this name and 'Shaddai' are attributed to the Ninth Sephira, and 1 have therefore put the two invocations in the same paragraph. - SLM

Instead of "EL CHAI" Aub24 and Ad. 10862 reads "Eloy"; M276: "Eloum"; K288 and Sl3091: "Elohym"; L1202: Elhoim." -JHP
Lastly, I conjure ye all, ye rebellious spirits, by the most holy name of God ADONAI MELEKH, which Joshua invoked, and stayed the course of the Sun in his presence, through the virtue of Methratton, 11 its principal Image; and by the troops of angels who cease not to cry day and night, QADOSCH, QADOSCH, QADOSCH, ADONAI ELOHIM TZABAOTH (that is, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts, Heaven and Earth are full of thy Glory); and by the ten angels who preside over the ten Sephiroth, by whom God communicateth and extendeth his influence over lower things, which are KETHER, CHOKMAH, BINAH, GEDULAH, GEBURAH, TIPHERETH, NETZACH, HOD, YESOD, AND MALKUTH. 12
11. The Archangel, who is called also the Prince of Countenances. - SLM

الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت. 24 (fol 75r) reads "Mittatron"; Kings 288 and L1202 read Mitraton; Ad. 10862 reads "mitatium" or "Permitatium." - JHP

12. This passage illustrates the degree of corruption of the manuscripts, as none of the copyists seems to have any grasp of the Kabbalah. M276 seems to be the most correct here: "Cheder cochmà biná Ghedulá Gheuurà tifered nezach hod Jesod e Malcud"; Aub24: "Heoeder, Hoema, Biria, Ghedula, Gheuura, Tiphered, Nod, Nezzac, Jessod, et Maliud"; Ad10862: "[...]eder, Hoema, Brica, Ghedulat, Ghercura, Tifired, Hadmerzael, Iessod, et Maluid"; H3981: "Heder, Noema, Biria, Ghedula, Thipheret, Nod, Nezzac, Jessod, et Malchove"; Sl3091: "Heder Noema, Biria, Ghedula, Thipheret, Nod, Nezzac, Thessod, et Malchove"; K288: "Keder, Noema, Biria, Ghedula, Tipheret, Nod, Nezzach, Ihessod, et Malchore"; L1202: "Heder, Rosina, Bria, Gladula, Thiphera, Nod, Nezziac, Chessod, Malehove". M276 regularly reduces double consonants, so it seems likely that the ninth originally read "Jessod". - JHP
I conjure ye anew, O spirits, by all the names of God, and by all his marvellous work; by the heavens; by the earth; by the sea; by the depth of the Abyss, and by that firmament which the very spirit of God hath moved; by the sun and by the stars; by the waters and by the seas, and all which they contain; by the winds, the whirlwinds, and the tempests; by the virtue of all herbs, plants, and stones; by all which is in the heavens, upon the earth, and in all the abysses of the shades.
أنا أيها الأذهان من جديد ، وأحث بقوة انتم ، يا شياطين ، في جزء من العالم على الإطلاق كنتم قد يكون ، بحيث تكون قادرة انتم على البقاء في الهواء والماء والنار والأرض ، أو في أي جزء من الكون ، أو في أي مكان لطيفة التي قد تجذب انتم ، ولكن ان كنتم يأتي على الفور لتحقيق رغبتنا ، وجميع الأشياء التي نطالب من الطاعة الخاص.
أنا أيها الأذهان من جديد من قبل اثنين من جداول القانون ، والتي كتب موسى الخمسة ، قبل سبعة مصابيح حرق على شمعدان من الذهب قبل مواجهة عرش الجلالة الله ، وقدس الأقداس وفيه كوهين ولم يسمح وحده HA - GADUL للدخول ، وهذا هو القول ، والكهنة.
I conjure ye by him who hath made the heavens and the earth, and who hath measured those heavens in the hollow of his hand, and enclosed the earth with three of his fingers, who is seated upon the Kerubim and upon the Seraphim; and by the Kerubim, which is called the Kerub, which God constituted and placed to guard the Tree of Life, armed with a flaming sword, after that Man had been driven out of Paradise.

I conjure ye anew, Apostates from God, by him who alone hath performed great wonders; by the Heavenly Jerusalem; and by the Most Holy name of God in Four Letters, and by him who enlighteneth all things and shineth upon all things by his Venerable and Ineffable name, EHEIEH ASHER EHEIEH; 13 that ye come immediately to execute our desire, whatever it may be.
13. M276: "Eheye esser Eheye"; Sl3091 and K288: "Eheyetsser Eheye"; L1202: "Cheye, Assereye." - JHP
I conjure ye, and I command ye absolutely, O Demons, in whatsoever part of the Universe ye may be, by the virtue of all these Holy names:— ADONAI, YAH, HOA, EL, ELOHA, ELOHINU, ELOHIM, EHEIEH, MARON, KAPHU, ESCH, INNON, AVEN, AGLA, HAZOR, EMETH, YAII, ARARITHA, YOVA, HA-KABIR, MESSIACH, IONAH, MAL-KA, EREL, KUZU, MATZPATZ, EL SHADDAI; 14 and by all the Holy names of God which have been written with blood in the sign of an eternal alliance.
14. I have made these names as correct as possible; as in all the original MSS. غير مشوهة كثيرا العبرية. These names are some of them ordinary titles of God; others Magical and Qabalistical names compounded from the initials of sentences, etc.; and others permutations of other names. - SLM

Regarding MTzPTz (or MAZPAZ), see Gollancz, Book of Protection ,
العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط.. . This name also occurs in العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط.. .

Aub24: "Adonay, Jah, El, Es, Eloha Aghelion, Na, Eloym, Eheie, Maron, Caphu Innum, Euen, Agla, Zoy, Emed, Jeia, Aracita, Jaua, Issu, Hacaua, Messiah, Isma Maleche, Erez, Kuzu, Maspal, El Saday"; M276: "adonay Jah Vah El Eloa Elion hù Eloym Eheye maron Caphec Jesussimum auem Agla exorh emaeim Jeya arania iaua hochauno mesiatema melche eroz auzu malpuz El sadai"; Sl3091: "Adonay, Iah, Hu, El, Eloha, Ngelion, Nu, Elohym, theye, Maron, Caphu, Issu, Imnum, Even, Agla, Ezor, Emoed, Ieya, Ararita, Iova, Hacavo, Messiah, Soma, Malché, Erel, Ekusu, Malpar, El, Saday"; Ad10862: "Adonay, Iah, Hoel, El, Eloh, Agtelion, Na (?), Eloin, Eheie, Macon, Capha, Innum, Eure~, Agla, Zor, Emet, Cera, Anacio, Laut, Issu, Acaut, Massiah, Isma Malechi, Erey, Buzu (?-), Mazpol, Ossaday"; K288: "Adonay, Iah, Hu, El, Eloha, Ngelionu, Elohym, Eheye, Maron, Caphu, Issu, Inmum, Even, Agla, Ezor, Emoed, Ieya, Ararita, Iova, Hacavo, Messiah, Iomas, Malché, Erel, Escusa, Maspar, El, Sadaÿ"; L1202: "Adonay, Jau, Husset, Eloha, Nghelion, Nu, Elohim, Eheye, Maron, Caphu, Issu, Immum, Eveu, Agla, Ezor, et par les Noms de Dieu écrits avce [sic] du sang en signe d'Alliance qui sont Emoad, Jahia, Avarita, Jova, Hacavo, Messiah, Joma, Malche, Eret, Elloza, Malpaz & Saday." - JHP

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو علي العذاري
علي العذاري
انتقل لرحمة الله
العضو العزيز...شكر صاحب الموضوع للجهد الذي يقوم به لخدمة اهل العلم يشجعه لإعطاء عطاء أكبر . ضع رد لرؤية الرابط..
نشكرك ايه الرجل الطيب والانسان الرائع على تناولك العلوم الروحانية العبرية من ناحية الرجل الباحث والمحقق الماهر شارلك هولمز (ابتسامة)لكن رجاء من بان توافينا ان كان لديك ماهو المذكور عندك في الكتب الثلاثة لمفاتيح سليمان الملك العبري لانها طبعت بطبعات مختلفة اي انها تختلف من كتاب لاخر حسب مارئينا والمخطوطات كذالك والعامل بها اي المطبق لتلك العلوم يعلم ماهية العمل بالطريقة الاقوى ويخشى على نشر ماعمل به لانه سيكون من الاسرار العزيزة الا المحقق الذي ينشر ما اطلع عليه من علوم القوم وانتم اهلا للكرم والجود يا ابو حاتم الطائي (ابتسامة) نتمنى لك كل خير انت واهلك وكل ذويك وان يحفظك الرب ابد الابدين ودهر الداهرين وان يدفع عنك كل مكروه ويجلب لك كل خير بما تنفع به اخوتك من صدقة العلوم امين رب العالمين
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آل سيدنا محمد صلاة تنجينا بها من جميع الأهوال والآفات وتقضي لنا بها جميع الحاجات، وتطهرنا بها من جميع السيئات، وترفعنا بها عندك أعلى الدرجات وتبلغنا بها أقصى الغايات من جميع الخيرات في الحياة وبعد الممات برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين
اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله عدد حروف القرآن حرفا حرفا وعدد كل حرف ألفا ألفا وعدد صفوف الملائكة صفا صفا وعدد كل صفا ألفا ألفا وعدد الرمال ذرة ذرة وعدد كل ذرة ألف ألف مرة عدد ما أحاط به علمك وجرى به قلمك ونفذ به حكمك فى برك وبحرك وسائر خلقك عدد ما أحاط به علمك القديم من الواجب والجائز والمستحيل ...
اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وسلم تسليما كثيرا

الغالي عطارد
مولاي مثللكم متتبع فطن وفعلا هناك ثلاث مخطوطات لكن كما تعلم ان ترجمتها يمت بمترجم الكوكل مما يترك بعض المصطلحات كما هي
وان شاء الله ساحول لك كل ما يخص العلوم عند اليهود فانت ممن يهتمون بدراستها
لك كل الود والحب
ملاحظة لاتواخذني على التاخير بالايفاف بوعودي والسبب يعود لبطء النت وان شاء الله خلال الايام القليلة القادمة سادخل ضمن خدمة الضوئي وتدلل

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو علي العذاري
علي العذاري
انتقل لرحمة الله
I conjure ye anew, O spirits, by all the names of God, and by all his marvellous work; by the heavens; by the earth; by the sea; by the depth of the Abyss, and by that firmament which the very spirit of God hath moved; by the sun and by the stars; by the waters and by the seas, and all which they contain; by the winds, the whirlwinds, and the tempests; by the virtue of all herbs, plants, and stones; by all which is in the heavens, upon the earth, and in all the abysses of the shades.
أنا أيها الأذهان من جديد ، وأحث بقوة انتم ، يا شياطين ، في جزء من العالم على الإطلاق كنتم قد يكون ، بحيث تكون قادرة انتم على البقاء في الهواء والماء والنار والأرض ، أو في أي جزء من الكون ، أو في أي مكان لطيفة التي قد تجذب انتم ، ولكن ان كنتم يأتي على الفور لتحقيق رغبتنا ، وجميع الأشياء التي نطالب من الطاعة الخاص.
أنا أيها الأذهان من جديد من قبل اثنين من جداول القانون ، والتي كتب موسى الخمسة ، قبل سبعة مصابيح حرق على شمعدان من الذهب قبل مواجهة عرش الجلالة الله ، وقدس الأقداس وفيه كوهين ولم يسمح وحده HA - GADUL للدخول ، وهذا هو القول ، والكهنة.
I conjure ye by him who hath made the heavens and the earth, and who hath measured those heavens in the hollow of his hand, and enclosed the earth with three of his fingers, who is seated upon the Kerubim and upon the Seraphim; and by the Kerubim, which is called the Kerub, which God constituted and placed to guard the Tree of Life, armed with a flaming sword, after that Man had been driven out of Paradise.

I conjure ye anew, Apostates from God, by him who alone hath performed great wonders; by the Heavenly Jerusalem; and by the Most Holy name of God in Four Letters, and by him who enlighteneth all things and shineth upon all things by his Venerable and Ineffable name, EHEIEH ASHER EHEIEH; 13 that ye come immediately to execute our desire, whatever it may be.
13. M276: "Eheye esser Eheye"; Sl3091 and K288: "Eheyetsser Eheye"; L1202: "Cheye, Assereye." - JHP
I conjure ye, and I command ye absolutely, O Demons, in whatsoever part of the Universe ye may be, by the virtue of all these Holy names:— ADONAI, YAH, HOA, EL, ELOHA, ELOHINU, ELOHIM, EHEIEH, MARON, KAPHU, ESCH, INNON, AVEN, AGLA, HAZOR, EMETH, YAII, ARARITHA, YOVA, HA-KABIR, MESSIACH, IONAH, MAL-KA, EREL, KUZU, MATZPATZ, EL SHADDAI; 14 and by all the Holy names of God which have been written with blood in the sign of an eternal alliance.
14. I have made these names as correct as possible; as in all the original MSS. غير مشوهة كثيرا العبرية. These names are some of them ordinary titles of God; others Magical and Qabalistical names compounded from the initials of sentences, etc.; and others permutations of other names. - SLM

Regarding MTzPTz (or MAZPAZ), see Gollancz, Book of Protection ,
. This name also occurs in .

Aub24: "Adonay, Jah, El, Es, Eloha Aghelion, Na, Eloym, Eheie, Maron, Caphu Innum, Euen, Agla, Zoy, Emed, Jeia, Aracita, Jaua, Issu, Hacaua, Messiah, Isma Maleche, Erez, Kuzu, Maspal, El Saday"; M276: "adonay Jah Vah El Eloa Elion hù Eloym Eheye maron Caphec Jesussimum auem Agla exorh emaeim Jeya arania iaua hochauno mesiatema melche eroz auzu malpuz El sadai"; Sl3091: "Adonay, Iah, Hu, El, Eloha, Ngelion, Nu, Elohym, theye, Maron, Caphu, Issu, Imnum, Even, Agla, Ezor, Emoed, Ieya, Ararita, Iova, Hacavo, Messiah, Soma, Malché, Erel, Ekusu, Malpar, El, Saday"; Ad10862: "Adonay, Iah, Hoel, El, Eloh, Agtelion, Na (?), Eloin, Eheie, Macon, Capha, Innum, Eure~, Agla, Zor, Emet, Cera, Anacio, Laut, Issu, Acaut, Massiah, Isma Malechi, Erey, Buzu (?-), Mazpol, Ossaday"; K288: "Adonay, Iah, Hu, El, Eloha, Ngelionu, Elohym, Eheye, Maron, Caphu, Issu, Inmum, Even, Agla, Ezor, Emoed, Ieya, Ararita, Iova, Hacavo, Messiah, Iomas, Malché, Erel, Escusa, Maspar, El, Sadaÿ"; L1202: "Adonay, Jau, Husset, Eloha, Nghelion, Nu, Elohim, Eheye, Maron, Caphu, Issu, Immum, Eveu, Agla, Ezor, et par les Noms de Dieu écrits avce [sic] du sang en signe d'Alliance qui sont Emoad, Jahia, Avarita, Jova, Hacavo, Messiah, Joma, Malche, Eret, Elloza, Malpaz & Saday." - JHP
I conjure ye anew by these other names of God, most holy and unknown, by the virtue of which names ye tremble every day:— BAZUC, BACURABON, PATACEL, ALCHEGHEL, AQUACHAI, HOMORIONS, EY, ABBATON, CHEVON, CEBON, OY, ZOYMAS, CAYE, EHEIEH, ABBAMACHI, ORTAGU, NALE, HELECH, YEZE; 15 that ye come quickly and without any delay into our presence from every quarter and every climate of the world wherein ye may be, to execute all that we shall command ye in the great name of God.
15. I give these names as they stand, they do not all appear to be Hebrew; some of them suggest the style of the barbarous names in the Graeco-Egyptian Magical Papyri. - SLM

M276: "bazuch, bacurebon, patariel alchaeghel, aquarus, homorions, ey, abbaton, cheuon, cebore oy, zoymas, caye eec abbumachi ertagunale helech Jeze"; Aub24: "Buzuc, Barubason, Pathaul, Archighel, Aquechay, Homorions, Ey, Abbaton, Chiuon, Cebeon, Ox, Zoymas, Caye Eeu, Abumachi, Ortagu, Haza, Helec Jeze"; Ad10862: "Bezuu, Bacuburs, Pathahul, Archighel, Aquechay, Ei, Abbator, Chiuor, Cebeor, Oyzorimas, Caye, Eue, Abbimachi, Orbayri, Paza, Hebec, Tere"; Sl3091, H: "Bazuc, Bacurabon, Patacel, Alcheegel, Aquacay, Homorions, Ey, Abbaton, Chevon, Cebon, OyZoymas, Cay, Eeé, Albamachi, Ortagu, Male, Helech, Ieze"; K288: "Baruc, Bacurabon, Patacel, Alcheeghel, Aquacaÿ, Homorion, Ey, Abbaton, Chevon, Cebon, Oyzoymas, Cay, Eeé, Albamachi, Ortagu, Nale, Helech, Ieze"; L1202: "Bazur, Barabon, Patacel, Etheogeliel, Agnaci, Homorion, Eu, Abbaton, Ethenon, Cehon, Oy, Zemas, Cay, Cec, Abbamalhi, Ortagiel, Nalche, Sechezze." Mathers: "BARUC, BACURABON, PATACEL, ALCHEEGHEL, AQUACHAI, HOMORION, EHEIEH, ABBATON, CHEVON, CEBON, OYZROYMAS, CHAI, EHEIEH, ALBAMACHI, ORTAGU, NALE, ABELECH (or HELECH), YEZE (or SECHEZZE)." - JHP
الفصل السادس
أقوى وأكثر قوة شعوذة
If they then immediately appear, it is well; if not, let the master uncover the consecrated pentacles which he should have made to constrain and command the spirits, and which he should wear fastened round his neck, holding the medals (or pentacles) in his left hand, and the consecrated knife in his right; and encouraging his companions, he shall say with a loud voice:— 1
1. Ad10862 and Sl.3091: "a somewhat elevated voice." - JHP
Here be the symbols of secret things, the standards, the ensigns, and the banners, of God the conqueror; and the arms of the almighty One, to compel the aerial potencies. I command ye absolutely by their power and virtue that ye come near unto us, into our presence, from whatsoever part of the world ye may be in, and that ye delay not to obey us in all things wherein we shall command ye by the virtue of God the mighty One. أيها يأتي على الفور ، وتأخير لا لتظهر ، والإجابة لنا التواضع.
If they appear at this time, show them the pentacles, and receive them with kindness, gentleness, and courtesy; reason and speak with them, question them, and ask from them all things which thou hast proposed to demand.

But if, on the contrary, they do not yet make their appearance, holding the consecrated knife 2 in the right hand, and the pentacles 3 being uncovered by the removal of their consecrated covering, strike and beat the air with the knife as if wishing to commence a combat, comfort and exhort thy companions, and then in a loud and stern voice repeat the following conjuration:—
2. اللات. "gladius"; Ital. "il coltello"; Fr. "le coutau". - JHP

3. الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت. 24 and Ad. 10862 add "in the left". - JHP
4. This conjuration is almost identical with one given in the , a different work, also attributed to Solomon. - SLM
Here again I conjure ye and most urgently command ye; I force, constrain, and exhort ye to the utmost, by the most mighty and powerful name of God EL, strong and wonderful, and by God the just and upright, I exorcise ye and command ye that ye in no way delay, but that ye come immediately and upon the instant hither before us, without noise, deformity, or hideousness, but with all manner of gentleness and mildness. 5
5. Mathers is following K288 and H which read, "avec toutes sorte de douceurs et de Civilité"; Lat. "omni affabilitate" (all affability/courtesy). The wording in L1202 and Sl3091 again agree: "toute sorte de civilité et courtoisie". - JHP
I exorcise ye anew, and powerfully conjure ye, commanding ye with strength and violence by him who spake and it was done; 6 and by all these names: EL SHADDAI, ELOHIM, ELOHI, TZABAOTH, ELIM, ASHER EHEIEH, YAH, TETRAGRAMMATON, SHADDAI, 7 which signify God the high and almighty, the God of Israel, through whom undertaking all our operations we shall prosper in all the works of our hands, seeing that the Lord is now, always, and for ever with us, in our heart and in our lips; and by his holy names, and by the virtue of the sovereign God, we shall accomplish all our work.
6. الاتحاد الافريقي. 24: "Vos iterum exorcizo atque potenter contestor, ac valde impero per eum qui dixit, et factum est ..." (I again exorcize you, and potently conjure you, and greatly command you through him who spoke, and it was done..." -JHP

7. This passage presents an interesting puzzle. Mathers is basically following the Colorno class of manuscripts, even though the phrase "the God of Israel" implies the original Hebrew included "ELOHE ISRAEL". The complete phrase "God the high and almighty, the God of Israel" ( Lat. Dominus Deus excelsus omnipotens Deus Israel) might be rendered in Hebrew as "ADONAY, ELION, EL SHADDAI, ELOHE ISRAEL".

Aub24, Ad10862, Ad36674, and Sl3847 are all closer to the purported meaning:

Aub24: "Adonay, Oghelio[n], Saday, Israel, quod est Dominus Deus excelsus omnipotens Deus Israel"; Ad10862: "Adonay, Oghelion, Saday, Iserael, quod est Dominus Deus excelsus Omnipotens Deus Israel"; Ad36674: ADONAY, ALOE, ALNON, SABAOTH, SADAY (correct to ADONAY, ELOHE, ELION, SABAOTH, SADAY) Sl3847: "Adonay, heloe, heloym, Sabaoth Saday, quod est dominus deus excelsus et omnipotens rex Israel."

The prototype of the Colorno class of manuscripts probably read, "EL SHADDAI, ELOHIM, ELOHE, ZEVAOTH, EHEYE ASSER EHEYE, IAH, TETRAGRAMMATON, SHADDAI"

M276: "et saday Eloym Eloa Zeuaod Eheye esser Eheye Jah tetagramaton saday quod est dominus deus excelsur omnipotens deus israel"; Sl3091: "El, Saday, Elohym, Elohé, Zevaoth, Elym, Asser, Eheye, Jah, Tetagramaton Saday"; L1202: "El, Saday, Jah, Elohim, Eohe, Zenard, Elein, Asser, Eche, Tad, Tetragrammaton, Saday"; K288: "El, Sadaÿ, Elohym, Elohe, Zevaod, Elim, Asser, Eheye, Iah, Tretragrammaton, Sadaÿ"; H3981: "El, Sadaÿ, Elohym, Elohe, Zevaod, Elym, Asser, Eheye, Iah, Tetagramaton, Sadaÿ". - JHP
أيها يأتي دفعة واحدة دون أي بشاعة أو تشوه أمامنا ، وتأتي انتم دون ظهور وحشية ، في شكل كريمة أو الشكل. Come ye, for we exorcise ye with the utmost vehemence by the name of IAH and ON, which Adam spake and heard; by the name EL, which Noah heard, and saved himself with all his family from the Deluge; by the name IOD, which Noah heard, and knew God the Almighty One; by the name AGLA which Jacob heard, and saw the Ladder which touched Heaven, and the angels who ascended and descended upon it, whence he called that place the House of God and the Gate of Heaven; and by the name ELOHIM, and in the name ELOHIM, which Moses named, invoked, and heard in Horeb the Mount of God, and he was found worthy to hear him speak from the Burning Bush; and by the name AIN SOPH, which Aaron heard, and was at once made eloquent, wise, and learned; and by the name TZABAOTH, which Moses named and invoked, and all the ponds and rivers were covered with blood throughout the land of Egypt; 8 and by the name IOD, which Moses named and invoked, and striking upon the dust of the earth it became gnats infesting men, cattle, and beasts of burden of Egypt; 9 and by the name, and in the name PRIMATON, 10 which Moses named and invoked, and there fell a great and severe hail throughout all the land of Egypt, destroying the vines, the trees, and the woods which were in that country; and by the name IAPHAR, which Moses heard and invoked, and immediately a great pestilence began to appear through all the land of Egypt, striking and slaying the asses, the oxen, and the sheep of the Egyptians, so that they all died; and by the name ABADDON which Moses invoked and sprinkled the dust towards heaven, and immediately there fell so great rain upon the men, cattle, and flocks, that they all died throughout the land of Egypt; and by the name ELION which Moses invoked, and there fell so great hail as had never been seen from the beginning of the world unto that time, so that all men, and herds, and everything that was in the fields perished and died throughout all the land of Egypt. And by the name ADONAI, which Moses having invoked, there came so great a quantity of locusts which appeared in the land of Egypt, that they devoured and swallowed up all that the hail had spared; and by the name of PATHEON, 11 which having invoked, there arose so thick, so awful, and so terrible darkness throughout the land of Egypt, during the space of three days and three nights, that almost all who were left alive died; and by the name YESOD, and in the name YESOD, which Moses invoked, and at midnight all the first-born, both of men and of animals, died; and by the name of YESHIMON, which Moses named and invoked, and the Red Sea divided itself and separated in two; and by the name HESION, which Moses invoked, and all the army of Pharaoh was drowned in the waters; and by the name ANABONA, which Moses having heard upon Mount Sinai, he was found worthy to receive and obtain the tables of stone written with the finger of God the creator; and by the name ERYGION, which Joshua having invoked when he fought against the Moabites, he defeated them and gained the victory; and by the name HOA, and in the name HOA, which David invoked, and he was delivered from the hand of Goliath; and by the name YOD, which Solomon having named and invoked, he was found worthy to ask for and obtain in sleep the ineffable wisdom of God; and by the name YIAI, which Solomon having named and invoked, he was found worthy to have power over all the demons, potencies, powers, and virtues of the air.
8. Some MSS. إضافة ، 'ينقي furent آخرون". - SLM

الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت. 24 adds "et computraerunt" (and rotted); Ad. 10862 misreads "composuerunt" (they have composed ) -JHP

9. So Aub24. which reads "et percutiens pulverem terræ factæ sunt cinifices in homines, et boves, et iumenta Aegyptiorum". This reading is also supported by M276 and Ad. 36674. This is based on Exodus 8:17: "et extendit Aaron manu virgam tenens percussitque pulverem terrae et facti sunt scinifes in hominibus et in iumentis omnis pulvis terrae versus est in scinifes per totam terram Aegypti" (and Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and it became gnats in man, and in beast; all the dust of the land became gnats throughout all the land of Egypt.) The French manuscripts misread Latin "cinis" (ashes, Fr. "cendre"), instead of Latin "cinifes" (gnats). Mathers reads "and striking upon the dust of the earth both men and beasts were struck with disease." - JHP

Some MSS. substitute, 'les hommes furent reduits en cendre, comme aussi les boeufs, betail, et troupeaux des Egyptiens.' - SLM

10. So M276, Aub24, Sl3091, H3981, and K288. الإعلان. 36674 reads "Phaicon". This sentence is missing in Ad. 10862. Mathers follows L1202 in reading "PRIMEUMATON". - JHP

11. This is often written PATHTUMON in similar conjurations, but the MSS. قبلي توافق في إعطاء هذا النموذج. - SLM

الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت. 24 and Ad. 10862 both read Phateon; M276: "Pantheon". - JHP
By these, then, and by all the other names of God almighty, holy, living, and true, we powerfully command ye, ye who by your own sin have been cast down from the Empyreal Heaven, and from before his throne; by him who hath cast ye down unto the most profound of the abysses of Hell, we command ye boldly and resolutely; and by that terrible day of the sovereign judgment of God, on which all the dry bones in the earth will arise to hear and listen unto the word of God with their body, and will present themselves before the face of God almighty; and by that Last Fire which shall consume all things; by the (Crystal) Sea which is known unto us, which is before the face of God; by the indicible and ineffable virtue, force, and power of the creator himself, by his almighty power, and by the light and flame which emanate from his countenance, and which are before his face; by the angelical powers which are in the Heavens, and by the most great wisdom of almighty God; by the Seal of David, by the Ring 12 and Seal of Solomon, which was revealed unto him by the Most High and Sovereign creator; and by the Nine Medals or pentacles, 13 which we have among our symbols, which proceed and come from Heaven, and are among the Mysteries of Mysteries or Secrets of Secrets, which you can also behold in my hand, consecrated and exorcised with the due and requisite Ceremonies. By these, then, and by all the secrets which the Almighty encloseth in the Treasures of the sovereign and Highest Wisdom, by his Hand, and by his marvellous power; I conjure, force, and exorcise ye that ye come without delay to perform in our presence that which we shall command ye.
12. Note this mention of the ring of Solomon, though there is no ring described among the ritual implements. - JHP

13. الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت. 24: novem Cœlestes Kanderias. This probably corresponds to the nine Kandariri (talismans) found in
. This sentence is not found in Ad. 10862. - JHP
I conjure ye anew by that most holy name which the whole Universe fears, respects, and reveres, which is written by these letters and characters, IOD, HE, VAU, HE; and by the last and terrible judgment; by the seat of BALDACHIA; 14 and by this holy name, YIAI, which Moses invoked, and there followed that great Judgment of God, when Dathan and Abiram 15 were swallowed up in the centre of the earth. Otherwise, if ye contravene and resist us by your disobedience unto the virtue and power of this name YIAI, we curse ye even unto the depth of the Great Abyss, into the which we shall cast, hurl, and bind ye, if ye show yourselves rebellious against the secret of secrets, and against the mystery of mysteries. آمين ، آمين. FIAT, FIAT.
14. Sometimes, but as I think erroneously, written Bas-dathea. أتصور أن الكلمة تعني "رب الحياة". - SLM

15. سفر التثنية. 11.6. الإعلان. 10862 misreads "Fatam and Aliram." - JHP
This conjuration thou shalt say and perform, turning thyself unto the East, and if they appear not, thou shalt repeat it unto the spirits, turning unto the South, the West, and the North, in succession, when thou wilt have repeated it four times. And if they appear not even then, thou shalt make the sign of TAU 16 upon the foreheads of thy companions, and thou shalt say:—
16. Or the Cross. - SLM
Behold anew the symbol and the name of a sovereign and conquering God, through which all the Universe fears, trembles, and shudders, and through the most mysterious words of the secret mysteries and by their virtue, strength, and power.

I conjure ye anew, I constrain and command ye with the utmost vehemence and power, by that most potent and powerful name of God, EL, strong and wonderful, by him who spake and it was done; and by the name IAH, which Moses heard, and spoke with God; and by the name AGLA, which Joseph invoked, and was delivered out of the hands of his brethren; and by the name VAU, which Abraham heard, and knew God the Almighty One; and by the name of Four Letters, TETRAGRAMMATON, which Joshua named and invoked, and he was rendered worthy and found deserving to lead the Army of Israel into the Promised Land; and by the name ANABONA, by which God formed Man and the whole Universe; and by the name ARPHETON, 17 and in the name ARPHETON, by which the angels who are destined to that end will summon the Universe, in visible body and form, and will assemble (all people) together by the sound of the Trumpet at that terrible and awful Day of Judgment, when the memory of the wicked and ungodly shall perish; and by the name ADONAI, by which God will judge all human flesh, at whose voice all men, both good and evil, will rise again, 18 and all men and angels will assemble in the air before the Lord, who will judge and condemn the wicked; and by the name ONEIPHETON, 19 by which God will summon the dead, and raise them up again unto life; and by the name ELOHIM, and in the name ELOHIM, by which God will disturb and excite tempests throughout all the seas, so that they will cast out the fish therefrom, and in one day the third part of men about the sea and the rivers shall die; and by the name ELOHI, 20 and in the name ELOHI, by which God will dry up the sea and the rivers, so that men can go on foot through their channels; and by the name ON, and in the name ON, by which God shall restore and replace the sea, the rivers, the streams, and the brooks, in their previous state; and by the name MESSIACH, 21 and in the name MESSIACH, by which God will make all animals combat together, so that they shall die in a single day; and by the name ARIEL, 22 by which God shall destroy in a single day all buildings, so that there shall not be left one stone upon another; and by the name IAHT, 23 by which God will cast one stone upon another, so that all people and nations will fly from the sea-shore, and will say unto them cover us and hide us; and by the name EMANUEL, by which God will perform wonders, and the winged creatures and birds of the air shall contend with one another; and by the name ANAEL, 24 and in the name ANAEL, by which God will cast down the mountains and fill up the valleys, so that the surface of the earth shall be level in all parts; and by the name ZEDEREZA, 25 and in the name ZEDEREZA, by which God will cause the Sun and Moon to be darkened, and the stars of heaven to fall; and by the name SEPHERIEL, 26 by which God will come to Universal Judgment, like a Prince newly crowned entering in triumph into his capital city, girded with a zone of gold, and preceded by angels, and at his aspect all climes and parts of the Universe shall be troubled and astonished, and a fire shall go forth before him, and flames and storm shall surround him; and by the name TAU, 27 by which God brought the Deluge, and the waters prevailed above the mountains, and fifteen cubits above their summits; and by the name RUACHIAH, 28 by which God having purged the Ages, he will make his Holy Spirit to descend upon the Universe, and will cast ye, ye rebellious spirits, and unclean beings, into the depths of the lake of the abyss, in misery, filth, and mire, and will place ye in impure and foul dungeons bound with eternal chains of fire.
17. Also written Hipeton ; and I believe sometimes replaced by Anapheneton , or Anaphaxeton . - SLM

18. Aub24 adds: "Et per nomen Igeon, et in nomine Igeon per quod Justi resurgent" (And through the name Igeon, and in the name Igeon, through which the Just will rise again) -JHP

19. This word is given variously in the MSS., as Oneypheon, Onayepheton , and Donecepheron , etc. -SLM

Aub24: Onaxepheon; Sl3091: Oneipheon; K288: Oneypheon; L1202: Donecepheron. - JHP

20. Or Elia . - SLM

Aub24 gives the previous name as Eloy, and this one as Elya; K288 gives them as Elohym and Eleya; Sl3091, L1202 read Elohim and Elya. - JHP

21. What is said here refers symbolically to the rooting out of the evil spirits, and shells, from the Universe by King Messiach, which is spoken of in the Qabalah. The Qabalah sometimes expresses the evil spirits by the words animals, or beasts, and creeping things. - SLM

22. Aub24: Aniel. - JHP

23. The oldest MSS. gives the above form, in the others it is changed into Iaphat, Taphat , and even Japhet. It is probably a corruption of Achad Unity. - SLM

Ad10862: Iaht; Aub24: Jahat; Sl3091: Iaphat; M276, L1202: Japhat; K288: Taphat. - JHP

24. This is also the name of the angel of Venus. - SLM
M276: Arel; Aub. 24: Ariel; Kings 288: Anael; L1202: Annael. -- JHP

25. So written in the oldest MS., the others give it as Zedeesia, Zedeezia , and Zedezias . - SLM

Ad10862: Zedereza; M276: Zedesia; Aub24, Sl3091, and H3981: Zedeezia; K288: Zedeesia; L1202: Zedezias. - JHP

26. Meaning 'emanating from God.' تالف عليه في Sephosiel ، إلخ ، في MSS. - SLM

M276: Jephosiel; Aub24: Saphasiel; Sl3091, K288, H3981: Sephosiel; L1202: Sophoziel; Ad10862: Saphatiel. - JHP

27. Iaha , in 10862 Add. MSS. - SLM

الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت. 24: Thau; Sl3091, M276, K288, H3981, and L1202: Tau. - JHP

28. Meaning spirit of Iah. - SLM

الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت. 24: Ruchia; K288: M276: Rechya; Reéhia; Sl30911, L1202: Rechia. - JHP
By these names then, and by all the other holy names of God before whom no man can stand and live, and which names the armies of the demons fear, tremble at, and shudder; we conjure ye, we potently exorcise and command ye, conjuring ye in addition by the terrible and tremendous PATHS 29 of GOD and by his holy habitation wherein he reigneth and commandeth unto the eternal ages. آمين.
29. That is, the hidden and occult grades and links of emanation in the Sephiroth. MSS لاحقا. have put, by mistake, voix for voies , the oldest Latin MS. gives Semitis . - SLM

Aub24, Ad10862, and M276 read "per terribiles et absconditas semitas Dei" (by the frightening and hidden paths of God). - JHP
By the virtue of all those aforesaid, we command ye that ye remain not in any place wherein ye are, but to come hither promptly without delay to do that which we shall enjoin ye. But if ye be still contumacious, we, by the authority of a sovereign and potent God, deprive ye of all quality, condition, degree, and place which ye now enjoy, and precipitate ye into and relegate ye unto the Kingdom of Fire and of sulphur, to be there eternally tormented. Come ye then from all parts of the earth, wheresoever ye may be, and behold the symbols and names of that triumphant sovereign whom all creatures obey, otherwise we shall bind ye and conduct ye in spite of yourselves, into our presence bound with chains of fire, because those effects which proceed and issue from our science and operation, are ardent with a fire which shall consume and burn ye eternally, for by these the whole Universe trembleth, the earth is moved, the stones thereof rush together, all creatures obey, and the rebellious spirits are tormented by the power of the sovereign creator.

Then it is certain that they will come, even if they be bound with chains of fire, unless prevented by affairs of the very greatest importance, but in this latter case they will send ambassadors and messengers by whom thou shalt easily and surely learn what occupies the spirits and what they are about. But if they appear not yet in answer to the above conjuration, and are still disobedient, then let the master of the art or exorciser arise and exhort his companions to be of good cheer and not to despair of the ultimate success of the operation; let him strike the air with the consecrated knife 30 towards the four quarters of the Universe; and then let him kneel in the midst of the circle, and the companions also in their several places, and let them say consecutively with him in a low voice, turning in the direction of the East, the following:
30. الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت. 24: cum gladio exorcizato.
العنوان للملائكة.
I conjure and pray ye, O ye angels of God, and ye celestial spirits, to come unto mine aid; come and behold the signs of Heaven, and be my witness before the sovereign Lord, of the disobedience of these evil and fallen spirits who were at one time your companions.
This being done, let the master arise, and constrain and force them by a stronger conjuration, in manner following.

الفصل السابع
AN شعوذة قوية للغاية
Behold us again prepared to conjure ye by the names and symbols of God, wherewith we are fortified, and by the virtue of the highest one. We command ye and potently ordain ye by the most strong and powerful name of God EL, 1 who is worthy of all praise, admiration, honor, glory, generation, and fear, that ye delay not longer, but that ye appear before us without any tumult or disturbance, but, on the contrary, with great respect and courtesy, in a beautiful and human form.
1. So M276, Au24, Ad10862: "et in uirtute altissimi uos coniuramus atque uobis imperamus per potentissimum atque fortissimum nomen dei El" L1202 and Sl3091 misread "Et" (and) instead of "El"; Mathers follows K288 which is further removed: "by the most strong and powerful names of God." - JHP
If they then appear, let them see the pentacles, and say:
Obey ye, obey ye, behold the symbols and names of the creator; be ye gentle and peaceable, and obey in all things that we shall command ye.
ثم أنها سوف نتحدث مباشرة مع اليك ، كصديق يتكلم حتى صديق. اطلب من كل منهم أن desirest أنت ، مع الثبات والحزم ، وضمان ، وأنها سوف طاعة اليك.
But if they appear not yet, let not the master on that account lose his courage, for there is nothing in the world stronger and of greater force to overawe the spirits than constancy. Let him, however, re-examine and reform the circle, and let him take up a little dust of the earth, which he shall cast towards the four quarters of the Universe; and having placed his knife upon the ground, let him say on his knees, turning towards the direction of the North:
In the name of ADONAI ELOHIM TZABAOTH SHADDAI, Lord God of armies almighty, may we successfully perform the works of our hands. and may the Lord he present with us in our heart and in our lips.
These words having been said kneeling upon the earth, let the master shortly after arise and open his arms wide as if wishing to embrace the air, and say:
By the holy names of God written in this book, and by the other holy and ineffable names which are written in the Book of Life , we conjure ye to come unto us promptly and without any delay, wherefore tarry not, but appear in a beautiful and agreeable form and figure, by these Holy names: ADONAI, TZABAOTH, EL, ELOHI, ELOHIM, SHADDAI; and by EHEIEH, YOD HE VAU HE, which is the great name of God TETRAGRAMMATON written with four letters, ANAPHODITION, and ineffable; by the God of those virtues and potencies, who dwelt in the Heavens, who rideth upon the Kerubim, who moveth upon the wings of the wind, he whose power is in Heaven and in Earth, who spake and it was done, who commanded and the whole Universe was created; and by the holy names and in the holy names, IAH, IAH, IAH, ADONAI TZABAOTH; and by all the names of God, the living, and the true, I reiterate the conjuration, and I conjure ye afresh ye Evil and rebellious spirits, abiding in the abysses of darkness.
I conjure, I address, and I exorcise ye, that ye may approach unto and come before the Throne of God, the living and the true, and before the tribunal of the judgment of his majesty, and before the holy angels of God to hear the sentence of your condemnation.
Come ye then by the name and in the name of SHADDAI, which is that of God Almighty, strong, powerful, admirable, exalted, pure, clean, glorified, virtuous, great, just, terrible, and holy; and by the name and in the name of EL, IAH, IAH, IAH, who hath formed and created the world by the breath of his mouth, who supporteth it by his power, who ruleth and governeth it by his wisdom, and who hath cast ye for your pride into the land of darkness and into the shadow of death.
Therefore, by the name of the living God, who hath formed the heavens above, and hath laid the foundations of the earth beneath, we command ye that, immediately and without any delay, ye come unto us from all places, valleys, mountains, hills, field, seas, rivers, fountains, ponds, brooks, caverns, grottos, cities, towns, villages, markets, fairs, habitations, baths, courtyards, gardens, vineyards, plantations, reservoirs, cisterns, and from every corner of the terrestrial earth where ye may happen to be in your assemblies, so that ye may execute and accomplish our demands with all mildness and courtesy; by that ineffable name which Moses heard and invoked, which he received from God from the midst of the Burning Bush, we conjure ye to obey our commands, and to come unto us promptly with all gentleness of manner.

مرة أخرى نحن مع شدة الأمر انتم ، انتم ونحن نطرد مع الثبات ، التي انتم وجميع رفاقك يأتي ILA لنا بطريقة مقبولة وكريمة مثل النسيم ، لإنجاز مختلف تباعا لدينا أوامر ورغبات. Come ye, then, by the virtue of these names by the which we exorcise ye; ANAY, GETHA, TERAMIA, ARNETH, NEGIA, JONA, PROLHUCH, TITACH, JENAU, BEJA, THEIT; all which names are written in Heaven in the characters of Malachim, 2 that is to say, the tongue of the angels.
2. The mystic alphabet known as the 'Writing of Malachim' is formed from the positions of the stars in the heavens, by drawing imaginary lines from one star to another so as to obtain the shapes of the characters of this alphabet. - SLM

This section is missing from Aub24. M276: "Anay, Getha, Teramya, Arneth, Hegie, Jona, Prodruch [=pro**uch], Tirach, Jenau, Baya, Theyth"; H981: "Anay, Getath, Texamin, Arnet, Negia, Jona, Prolhuch, Titach, Jenau, Beja, Theit"; Sl3091: "Anay, Getah, Texamin, Arnet, Negia, Jona, Protuch, Titah, genau, Beja, Theit"; K288: "Aay, Getah, Texamin, Arnet, Negia, Jona, Prothuch, Tetah, Jenau, Beja, Theit"; Ad10862: "Anau, Aechel [or Hechel], Transia, Amet, Negie, Iona, Profae, Titache, Penaui, Biia, Teib"; L1202: "Anar, Golat, Negior, Taxam, Inaël, Jona, Portah, Litah, Jenan, Buia, Lheu"; Mathers: "ANAI, ÆCHHAD, TRANSIN, EMETH, CHAIA, IONA, PROFA, TITACHE, BEN ANI, BRIAH, THEIT" The Magical Treatise of Solomon devotes an entire chapter to a series of four "alphabets of the planets", resembling the "celestial alphabet", and used for writing on talismans. - JHP
We then, by the just judgment of God, by the ineffable and admirable virtue of God, just, living, and true, we call ye with power, we force and exorcise ye by and in the admirable name which was written on the tables of stone which God gave upon Mount Sinai; and by and in the wonderful name which Aaron the High Priest bare written upon his breast, by which also God created the world, the which name is AXINETON; 3 and by the living God who is one throughout the ages, whose dwelling is in the Ineffable Light, whose name is Wisdom, and whose spirit is life, before whom goeth forth fire and flame, who hath from that fire formed the firmament, the stars and the Sun; and who with that fire will burn ye all for ever, as also all who shall contravene the words of his will.
3. So H and Sl3091; Ad10862: "Arcuron"; M276: "A Rimeton"; L1202: "Azineton". - JHP
أيها يأتي ، بعد ذلك ، دون تأخير ، ودون ضجيج ، ودون غضب ، المعروض علينا ، من دون أي تشويه أو بشاعة ، لتنفيذ جميع إرادتنا ؛ يأتي انتم من جميع الأماكن حيث أنتم ، من كل الجبال والوديان والجداول والأنهار ، وبروكس والبرك والأماكن ، والحمامات ، والمعابد ، على الله وقوي وقوي ، ومطاردة كنتم انتم وتقيد ، ويجري المجيدة على كل شيء وانه سوف تجبر انتم ، انتم على حد سواء ، وأمير الظلام. Come ye, come ye, angels of Darkness; come hither before this circle without fear, terror, or deformity, to execute our commands, and be ye ready both to achieve and to complete all that we shall command ye.

Come ye, then, by the crown of the chief of your emperors, and by the sceptres of your power, and of SID, the great demon, your master; by the names and in the names of the holy angels who have been created to be above you, long before the constitution of the world; and by the names of the two princes of the Universe, whose names are, IONIEL and SEFONIEL; 4 by the rod of Moses, by the staff of Jacob; by the ring and seal of David, wherein are written the names of sovereign God; 5 and by the names of the angels by which Solomon has linked and bound ye; and by the sacred bonds by which ANAEL hath environed and hath conquered the spirit; and by the name of the angel who ruleth potently over the rest, and by the praise of all creatures who cry incessantly unto God, who spake, and immediately all things, even the Ages, were made and formed; and by the name HA-QADOSCH BERAKHA, which signifies the Holy and Blessed One; and by the Ten Choirs of the holy angels, CHAIOTH HA-QADESH, AUPHANIM, ARALIM, CHASHMALIM, SERAPHIM, MALACHIM, ELOHIM, BENI ELOHIM, KERUBIM, and ISHIM; and by, and in the sacred name of twelve letters of which each letter is the name of an angel, and the letters of the name are ALEPH, BETH, BETH, NUN, VAU, RESH, VAU, CHETH, HE, QOPH, DALETH, SHIN. 6
4. M276: Songel et Aonyel; H3981, Sl3091: Soniel et Aoeniel; K288: Soniel et Aaniel; L1202: Jomel & Armiel; Ad. 10862: Ionyel et Ifoniel. This section is not found in Aub24 (up to "And we conjure, oblige, and terribly exorcise ye"). - JHP

5. The rest of this paragraph is not found in Ad. 10862. Compare with a Jewish mortuary charm published in JA Montgomery Aramaic Incantation Texts from Nippur , (Philadelphia, 1913): "With the Wand of Moses and the Plate of Aaron and the Seal of Solomon and the Shield of David and the Mitre of the Chief Priest I perform the spell." Cited by Raya Shani in "A Judeo-Persian Talismanic Textile" in Irano-Judaica IV (Jerusalem: 1999, p. 254). - JHP

6. Which letters I have, with much care, corrected, for in the MSS. the letters are jumbled together in hopeless confusion, Seym is written for Shin, Res for Beth , etc. The name is Ab, Ben, Ve-Ruach, Ha-Qadesch , Father, Son, and Holy spirit. There are two other names of twelve letters frequently employed, HQDVSh BRVK HVA, holy and blessed be he; and ADNI HMLK NAMN, the Lord, the faithful king; besides other forms. - SLM

Again, M276 seems to have the most reliable reading: "he sin daled caph he ched uau bed, nun nayn beld aleph"; H3981: "Ha, Hé, Seym, Daled, Coph, He, Thath, vau, Res, nem Jod, Zuin, Res, Aleph"; K288: "Ha, Hé, Saym, Daleth, Coph, He, Thet, vau, Res, Nun, Jod, Zayn, Res, Aleph". - JHP
By these names therefore, and by all the other holy names, we conjure ye and we exorcise ye; by the angel ZECHIEL; by the angel DUCHIEL; by the angel DONACHIEL; and by the great angel METATRON, who is the prince of the angels, and introduceth the souls before the face of God; and by the angel SANGARIEL, by whom the portals of Heaven are guarded; and by the angel KERUB, who was made the guardian of the terrestrial paradise, with a sword of flame, after the expulsion of Adam our forefather; and by the angel MICHAEL by whom ye were hurled down from the height of the THRONE into the depth of the lake and of the abyss, the same name meaning, 'who is like God upon Earth;' and by the angel ANIEL; and by the angel OPHIEL; and by the angel BEDALIEL; wherefore, by these and by all the other holy names of the angels, we powerfully conjure and exorcise ye, that ye come from all parts of the world immediately, and without any delay, to perform our will and demands, obeying us quickly and courteously, and that ye come by the name and in the name of ALEPH, DALETH, NUN, IOD, for we exorcise ye anew by the application of these letters, by whose power burning fire is quenched, and the whole Universe trembleth.
We constrain ye yet again by the seal of the Sun which is the word of God; and by the seal of the Moon and of the stars we bind ye; and by the other animals and creatures which are in Heaven, by whose wings Heaven cleanseth itself, we force and attract ye imperiously to execute our will without failure.

And we conjure, oblige, and terribly exorcise ye, that ye draw near unto us without delay and without fear, as far as is possible unto ye, here before this circle, as supplicants gently and with discretion, to accomplish our will in all and through all. إذا كنتم تأتي فورا وطواعية ، وأنتم يستنشق العطور لدينا ، وsuffumigations لدينا رائحة لطيفة ، والتي ستكون مقبولة على حد سواء ، وسار حتى انتم. Furthermore ye will see the symbol of your creator, and the names of his holy angels, and we shall afterwards dismiss ye, and send ye hence with thanks. But if, on the contrary, ye come not quickly, and ye show yourselves self-opinionated, rebellious, and contumacious, we shall conjure ye again, and exorcise ye ceaselessly, and will repeat all the aforesaid words and holy names of God and of the holy angels; by the which names we shall harass you, and if that be not sufficient we will add thereunto yet greater and more powerful ones, and we will thereunto again add other names which ye have not yet heard from us, which are those of an almighty God, and which will make ye tremble and quake with fear, both ye and your princes; by the which names we conjure both you and them also, and we shall not desist from our work until the accomplishment of our will. But if perchance ye yet shall harden yourselves, and show yourselves self-opinionated, disobedient, rebellious, refractory, and contumacious, and if ye yet resist our powerful conjurations, we shall pronounce against you this warrant of arrest in the name of God almighty, and this definite sentence that ye shall fall into dangerous disease and leprosy, and that in sign of the divine vengeance ye shall all perish by a terrifying and horrible death, and that a fire shall consume and devour you on every side, and utterly crush you; and that by the power of God, a flame shall go forth from his mouth which shall burn ye up and reduce ye unto nothing in Hell. Wherefore delay ye not to come, for we shall not cease from these powerful conjurations until ye shall be obliged to appear against your will.
Aub24 resumes at this point. - JHP
Thus then, therefore, we anew conjure and exorcise ye by and in the holy name of IAH, IAH, IAH, 7 which is interpreted and called God; by the name and in the name of EHEIEH ASHER EHEIEH, 8 which is the true name of God, 'I am He who is'; by and in the ineffable name of four letters YOD HE VAU HE, the knowledge and understanding of which is hidden even from the angels; by the name and in the name of EL, 9 which signifieth and denoteth the powerful and consuming fire which issueth from his countenance, and which shall be your ruin and destruction; and by the light of the angels which is kindled and taken ineffably from that flame of divine ardour.
7. Mathers reads "ON", but Aub. 24 and Ad. 10862 both read "Iah, Iah, Iah." M276, Sl3091, K288, and L1202 all omit the name. - JHP

8. So M276 and Aub24; Ad. 10862: "Ehere"; Mathers follows Sl3091, K288, and L1202 in reading "EHEIEH". - JHP

9. So M276, Sl3091, K288, and L1202. Aub24 والاعلانية. 10862 both read "Es." - JHP
By these then, and by other most holy names which we pronounce against you from the bottom of our hearts, do we force and constrain ye, if ye be yet rebellious and disobedient. نحن أيها تستحضر بقوة وبشدة طرد انتم ، انتم ان تأتي ILA لنا الفرح والسرعة ، من دون غش أو خداع ، في الحقيقة ، وليس في الخطأ.
Come ye then, come ye, behold the signs and the names of your creator, behold the holy pentacles by the virtue of which the Earth is moved, the trees thereof and the abysses tremble. يأتي انتم ؛ يأتي انتم ؛ يأتي انتم.
These things being thus done and performed, ye shall see the spirits come from all sides in great haste with their princes and superiors; the spirits of the First Order, like soldiers, armed with spears, shields, and corslets; those of the second Order like barons, princes, dukes, captains, and generals of armies. For the Third and last Order their king will appear, before whom go many players on instruments of music, accompanied by beautiful and melodious voices which sing in chorus.
Then the exorcist, or master of the art, at the arrival of the king, whom he shall see crowned with a diadem, should uncover the holy pentacles and medals which he weareth upon his breast covered with a cloth of silk or of fine twined linen, and show them unto him, saying:—
Behold the signs and holy names by and before whose power every knee should bow, of all that is in Heaven, upon Earth, or in Hell. Humble ye yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God.
Then will the king bow the knee before thee, and will say, 'What dost thou wish, and wherefore hast thou caused us to come hither from the infernal abodes?'
Then shall the exorcist, or master of magical art, with an assured air and a grave and imperious voice, order and command him to be tranquil, to keep the rest of his attendants peaceable, and to impose silence upon them.
Let him, also, renew his fumigations, and offer large quantities of incense, which he should at once place upon the fire, in order to appease the spirits as he hath promised them. He should then cover the pentacles, and he will see wonderful things, which it is impossible to relate, touching worldly matters and all sciences.
This being finished, let the master uncover the pentacles, and demand all that he shall wish from the king of the spirits, and if there are one or two spirits only, it will be the same; and having obtained all his desire, he shall thus license them to depart:—
In the name of ADONAI, the eternal and everlasting one, let each of you return unto his place; be there peace between us and you, and be ye ready to come when ye are called.
بعد ذلك يجب أن يقرأ الفصل الأول من سفر التكوين ، 'Berashith بارا إلوهيم ، في البداية ، وما إلى ذلك'
This being done, let them all in order quit the circle, one after the other, the master first. وعلاوة على ذلك السماح لهم بالاستحمام وجوههم بالماء طردها ، كما سيتم صرح الآخرة ، ثم السماح لهم بأخذ الملابس العادية والخاصة بأعمالهم.

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو علي العذاري
علي العذاري
انتقل لرحمة الله
Take notice 10 and observe carefully that this last conjuration is of so great importance and efficacy, that even if the spirits were bound with chains of iron and fire, or shut up in some strong place, or retained by an oath, they could not even then delay to come. But supposing that they were being conjured in some other place or part of the Universe by some other exorcist or master of the art, by the same conjuration; the master should add to his conjuration that they should at least send him some messengers, or some individual to declare unto him where they are, how employed, and the reason why they cannot come and obey him.
10. This paragraph is not found in Ad. 10862. - JHP
ولكن اذا كان (وهو أمر مستحيل تقريبا) حتى بعد أن تكون ذاتية برأيه والعصاة ، وغير راغبة في طاعة ، وفي هذه الحالة يجب أن تكتب أسمائهم على ورقة عذراء ، وهو ما ينبغي أن التربة وتملأ بالطين والغبار ، أو الطين. Then he shall kindle a fire with dry rue, upon which he shall put powdered assafoetida, and other things of evil odour; after which let him put the aforesaid names, written on parchment or virgin paper, upon the fire, saying:—
THE شعوذة الحريق.
I conjure thee, O creature of fire, by him who removeth the Earth, and maketh it tremble, that thou burn and torment these spirits, so that they may feel it intensely, and that they may be burned eternally by thee.
This being said, thou shalt cast the aforesaid paper into the fire, saying:—

Be ye accursed, damned, and eternally reproved; and be ye tormented with perpetual pain, so that ye may find no repose by night nor by day, nor for a single moment or time, if ye obey not immediately the command of him who maketh the Universe to tremble; by these names, and in virtue of these names, the which being named and invoked all creatures obey and tremble with fear and terror, these names which can turn aside lightning and thunder; and which will utterly make you to perish, destroy, and banish you. These names then are Aleph, Beth, Gimel, Daleth, He, Vau, Zayin, Cheth, Teth, Yod, Kaph, Lamed, Mem, Nun, Samekh, Ayin, Pe, Tzaddi, Qoph, Resh, Shin, Tau. 11
11. Which are the names of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, to each of which a special mystic meaning and power is attached, besides its ordinary application. - SLM
By these secret names, therefore, and by these signs which are full of mysteries, we curse ye, and in virtue of the power of the three principles, Aleph, Mem, Shin, 12 we deprive ye of all office and dignity which ye may have enjoyed up till now; and by their virtue and power we relegate you unto a lake of sulphur and of flame, and unto the deepest depths of the abyss, that ye may burn therein eternally for ever.
12. The literal symbols of air, water, and fire; which are called by the Sepher Yetzirah the three mother letters. - SLM
Then will they assuredly come without any delay, and in great haste, crying: 'O our lord and prince, deliver us out of this suffering.'

All this time thou shouldest have near thee ready an exorcised pen, paper, and ink, as will be described hereinafter. Write their names afresh, and kindle fresh fire, whereon thou shalt put gum benjamin, olybdanum, and storax 13 to make therewith a fumigation; with these odours thou shalt afresh, perfume the aforesaid paper with the names; but thou shouldest have these names ready prepared beforehand. Then show them the holy pentacles, and ask of them what thou wilt, and thou shalt obtain it; and having gained thy purpose, send away the spirits, saying:—
13. Mathers is following Sl3091, K288, and L1202 here, however Aub24 and Ad10862 both read "Sandalum citrinum et rubrum et storacem"; M276: "sandelo citrino sandolo rosso e storace"; Perhaps is intended (along with storax). - JHP
الترخيص للمغادرة.
By the virtue of these pentacles, and because ye have been obedient, and have obeyed the commandments of the creator, feel and inhale this grateful odour, and afterwards depart ye unto your abodes and retreats; be there peace between us and you; be ye ever ready to come when ye shall be cited and called; and may the blessing of God, as far as ye are capable of receiving it, be upon you, provided ye be obedient and prompt, 14 to come unto us without solemn rites and observances on our part.
14. The phrase "and may the blessing of God ... obedient and prompt" doesn't appear in Aub. 24 أو الاعلانية. 10862, but is found in Mich. 276. - JHP
Thou shouldest further make a book of virgin paper, and therein write the foregoing conjurations, and constrain the demons to swear upon the same book that they will come whenever they be called, and present themselves before thee, whenever thou shalt wish to consult them. Afterwards thou canst cover this book with sacred sigils on a plate of silver, and therein write or engrave the holy pentacles. Thou mayest open this book either on Sundays or on Thursdays, rather at night than by day, and the spirits will come.

Regarding the expression 'night,' understand the night following, and not the night preceding the aforesaid days, 15 for indeed they are creatures of darkness who hate the light.
15. بذلك. الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت. 24. Mathers: "And remember that by day (the demons) are ashamed, for they are animals of darkness." الإعلان. 10862 omits the rest of this paragraph. - JHP
الفصل الثامن
As we have already made mention of the pentacles, it is necessary that thou shouldest understand that the whole science and understanding of our Key dependeth upon the operation, knowledge, and use of pentacles.

He then who shall wish to perform any operation by the means of the medals, 1 or pentacles, and therein to render himself expert, must observe what hath been hereinbefore ordained. Let him then, O my son Roboam, know and understand that in the aforesaid pentacles he shall find those ineffable and most holy names which were written by the finger of God in the tablets of Moses; and which I, Solomon, have received through the ministry of an angel by divine revelation. These then have I collected together, arranged, consecrated, and kept, for the benefit of the human race, and the preservation of body and of soul.
1. Ad10862: canderias; M276: canderie. This paragraph and the preceding are not found in Aub. 24. - JHP
The pentacles should then be made in the days and hours of Mercury, when the Moon is in an aerial 2 or terrestrial sign; she should also be in her increase, and in equal number of days with the Sun.
2. ie in Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. - SLM
It is necessary to have a chamber or cabinet specially set apart and newly cleaned, wherein thou canst remain without interruption, the which having entered with thy companions, thou shalt incense and perfume it with the odours and perfumes of the art. ينبغي أن يكون واضحا السماء وهادئ. فمن الضروري أن shouldest انت واحد أو أكثر من قطعة من الورق عذراء أعدت ورتبت على استعداد ، ونحن يجب ان اقول لكم بشكل كامل في وقت لاحق ، في مكانها.
Thou shalt commence the writing or construction of the pentacles in the hour aforesaid. Among other things, thou shalt chiefly use these colours: Gold, cinnabar or vermilion red, and celestial or brilliant azure blue. Furthermore, thou shalt make these medals or pentacles with exorcised pen and colours, as we shall hereafter show thee. Whensoever thou constructest them, if thou canst complete them in the hour wherein thou didst begin them, it is better. ومع ذلك ، إذا كان ثمة ضرورة قصوى لوقف العمل ، انت shouldest ننتظر اليوم المناسب وقبل ساعة من بدء إعادة عليه.

The pentacles being finished and completed, take a cloth of very fine silk, as we shall hereafter ordain thee, in the which thou shalt wrap the pentacles. After which thou shalt take a large vessel of earth filled with charcoal, upon the which there must be put frankincense, mastic, and aloes, all having been previously conjured and exorcised as shall hereafter be told thee. ويجب أيضا أن تكون أنت نفسك نقية ونظيفة ، وغسلها ، وانت سوف تجد المعطى في المكان المناسب. Furthermore, thou shouldest have the quill knife or knife of the art, 3 with the which thou shalt make a circle, and trace within it an inner circle, and in the space between the two thou shalt write the names of God, 4 which thou shalt think fit and proper. It is necessary after this that thou shouldest have within the circle a vessel of earth with burning coals and odoriferous perfumes thereon; with the which thou shalt fumigate the aforesaid pentacles; and, having turned thy face towards the East, thou shalt hold the said pentacles over the smoke of the incense, and shalt repeat devoutly the following Psalms of David my father: 5
  • (Ps8=KJV8) Domine Deus noster. [sic Domine Dominus noster] (O Lord our Lord....)
  • (Ps18=KJV19) Caeli enarrant gloriam Dei.(The heavens declare the glory of God....) 6
  • (Ps26=KJV27) Dominus illuminatio mea (The Lord is my light....)
  • (Ps21=KJV22) Deus Deus meus respice in me. (My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?) 7
  • (Ps31=KJV32) Beati quorum remissae sunt iniquitates. (Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven....)
  • (Ps50=KJV51) Miserere mei Deus secundum magnam. (Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving kindness....)
  • (Ps28=KJV29) Afferte [=Adferte] Domine. (Give unto the Lord....)
  • (Ps71=KJV72) Deus iudicium tuum Regi da. (Give the King thy judgements, O God....)
  • (Ps53=KJV54) Deus in nomine tuo salvum me fac. (Save me, O God, by thy name....) 8
  • (Ps133=KJV134) Ecce nunc Benedicite Dominum. (Behold, bless ye the Lord, all ye....)
3. Following Aub. 24: "Artauum, vel gladium artis". الإعلان. 10862 reads "arctauum, aut gladium." M276 reads "con l' artavo dell' arte hò coltello"; Mathers follows Sl3091, L1202, and K288 in reading, "sickle or knife of magical art." الإعلان. 10862 adds, "(tempered) with the blood of a goose and the juice of a pimpernel" as in Book 2 chapter 8. الإعلان. 36674 reads "A knyfe ready in goses blode, which was made on the day of Mercury." - JHP

4. Preferably those having some reference to the work in hand. - SLM

5. I have given the number of the Psalms according to the English , not the Hebrew numbers. - SLM

Mathers lists the Psalms by numbers only: "Psalms viii., xxi., xxvii., xxix., xxxii., li., lxxii., cxxxiv," whereas all the manuscripts give the opening words. Since the Psalms are numbered differently in different versions of the Bible, Mathers' method is more ambiguous. - JHP

6. Not in Mathers' list.

7. Mathers' list includes Psalm 21 instead.

8. Not in Mathers' list.
(For a convenient form of circle which may be used for preparing instruments and other things of the same kind, as well as for consecrating the pentacles, see Figure 3.)
Figure 3, from Ad. 10862 ، فل. 81r. 9
9. The figure shows the sacred name Agÿel in the East (labelled "Oriente" in the manuscript), Sabaot in the south ("Mezzo giorno"), Jeova in the West ("Occidentale"), and Adonay in the North ("Settentrionale").

Aub24 has two versions of this circle. The one on fol. 18v is like that in Ad. 10862. The one on fol. 72v is similar, but adds inside the inner circle the words "Quis in fortibus ut tu Deus Tetragrammaton". It also adds a third circle around the others, with the names and symbols of the four Kings between the two outer circles: Asmodel in the East, Amaymon in the South, Paymon in the West, and Aegym in the North.

Mathers gives the names in Hebrew characters. - JHP

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو آلـطـور آلآخـر
آلـطـور آلآخـر
شكراً جزيلاً لكـ على آلـطرح

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو mlk
بيض الله وجهكم اخوتي وبالخصوص اخي العذاري

صورة رمزية إفتراضية للعضو محمد عذاب محمد
محمد عذاب محمد
شاملي جديد
مشكوووووووووووووووووووووووووووووورعلى هذاالمجهود

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)
غرفة خاصة بالعلوم الغريبه التي تخص اليهود

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1)
الانتقال السريع
المواضيع المتشابهه
غرفة الكشف المنير
غرفة (نعم **لا***اصبر***صحيح***خطا)

الساعة الآن 12:25 AM.